2005 Rules





The property Deed Agreement and the By-Laws of the Countryside Lake Association describe major

Privileges and restrictions available to property owners within the Association. Under the authority of the CLA Board of Directors, however, it is necessary to adopt more specific regulations to clarify what is expected of the members and their guests.

The following list of rules is not all-inclusive. Situations may arise that require the enactment of additional rules. It is therefore recommended that any activity that may be questionable be brought to the CLA Board of Directors for its approval. It will be the Board’s position to make the rule retroactive to the action / situation that required the creation of the rule.

1. MEMBER’S PRIVILEGES. All members who are not delinquent in the payment of annual dues and assessments are entitled to the use of the lake, beach, picnic, tennis court, boat docks and racks, trail easements, and various recreational areas. These privileges include members of the immediate family who live in the same household. Residents’ immediate family members, who no longer reside at home, must display a guest pass on the dashboard of their vehicle while on CLA property.

2. AUTOMOBILES. Each year when members pay their annual dues, they are supplied with dated and numbered windshield stickers for each of their cars. Guest cars are identified by placement of the guest pass face up on the dashboard of the car. Unidentified cars are subject to being towed from the Countryside Lake area at the owner’s expense. No automobiles are permitted on the frozen lake.

3. BOATS. Only boats owned by a member in good standing are allowed on the lake and must carry a registration number and two (2) Countryside Lake decals supplied by the designated person from the Boat/Dock Committee. The decals should be displayed on both sides of the prow of the boat along with the CL number. Unidentified boats will be removed from the lake and shore area.

A. Boat types allowed are pontoon boats, (i.e., have two pontoons, not a “V” shaped deck boat), the Escape “Cruz” electric-motor pontoon of 13’2” length, rowboats, canoes, paddleboats, inflatable boats, and sail boats. Any other type of craft may not be registered or put in the water without CLA Board of Directors approval.

B. Rowboats and canoes and the like may be equipped with one motor per boat, not exceeding 7½ horsepower. Inflatable boats may be equipped with a 12-volt electric motor only.

C. Pontoon boats between 18 and 24 feet (maximum permitted size) may be equipped with a motor not exceeding 15 horsepower. Pontoon boats smaller than 18 feet may have a motor not exceeding 10 horsepower.

D. Modification of oversized engines with governors, or other devices to curtail the horsepower is not permitted. Modifications and performance tuning with governors or other devices to increase the horsepower is not permitted.

E. All boats must be equipped with life vests, which are age suitable for each individual on the boat.

F. All boats must comply with all applicable state registration and safety requirements.

G. Two (2) Association areas are designated for members’ small boat storage. These are the boat racks in the Beach area and those at the Tennis Courts. Only boats with assigned rack space (canoes, rowboats, and paddleboats), will be permitted to remain on CLA property, all other boats are required to be removed daily. Sailboats and pontoon boats must be moored in the assigned dock spaces. Please refer to “Rules and Regulations for CLA Boat Storage Racks and Boat Rental piers.

H. Pontoon boats must be properly secured and either covered or cleaned of all debris.

I. Zebra Mussels: Any boats, boat engines, boat anchors and lines, boat trailers, bait buckets,

beach toys, or anything that has been in another lake or contains water from another lake

[especially Lake Michigan] must be inspected and cleaned by owners before insertion into or

placed near Countryside Lake. Flush thoroughly all boat hulls, engines [including cooling

systems], boat anchors and lines, boat trailer frames and lights, boat bilges, anchor

compartments, bait wells, bait buckets, compartments, coolers, toys, or anything that came in

contact with the water of another lake with hot water of 135 to 145 degrees F. Alternatively,

flush all of the above with a salt solution [1/2 cup of salt per gallon of hot water] followed by

a fresh water flush to prevent corrosion from the salt residue. Note, boat owners must inform

their launch service company of these requirements to insure boat trailers are properly cleaned

before use at Countryside Lake.

4. JET SKIS, WAVE RUNNERS and other like motorized personal watercraft are not allowed on the lake.

5. BOAT DOCKS. Members are required to obtain written permission from the CLA Board of Directors to construct boat docks on the lake and shore area. Docks should be of the portable removal type extending no further than 24 feet from the shoreline.

6. GUEST PRIVILEGES. Upon payment of annual dues and assessments, each member receives on numbered guest pass dated for the current year, which may be used to extend the member’s privileges to a guest. Parties of 36 or more are not permitted on Association property. Permission for a party of between 10 and 35 guest, which must include an Association member, must have written approval from the CLA Board of Directors in advance of the gathering, as well as clearance from the chairperson of the CLA Security Committee, so that the security patrol service can be notified and to prevent any conflict with other parties scheduled for the same day. The Security Committee upon approval of each party request will furnish proper identification.

7. RECREATIONAL HOURS. The gates to the beach, picnic, boat dock, tennis and recreation areas are open from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Boats are not allowed on the lake from 10:00 p.m. until sunrise.


A. A Lifeguard is generally scheduled to be on duty daily from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. from Memorial Day Weekend through Labor Day Weekend. A sign will be posted at the beach when a Lifeguard is not on duty.

B. Children under ten years of age will be permitted to swim only when accompanied by a parent or guardian at least seventeen (17) years of age.


D. The Lifeguard will not perform “child care” or other personal tasks for members or guests. Safeguarding lives in the water is the primary guard duty. The authority to evict persons from the beach area goes with this responsibility. Those failing to obey the guard may lose their beach privileges.

E. The Lifeguard has the authority to close the beach and order all persons from the water due to adverse or threatening weather, overcrowding, temporary absence of the lifeguard or other reason(s).

F. Picnics are permitted in the designated area and are not allowed on the sand beach area. Glass beverage or food containers are not allowed on the sand beach. Cooking is permitted only on a grill and NOT an open fire, and neither picnicking nor cooking is allowed on the sand beach. Members having picnics at the beach are responsible for their cleanup.

G. Boats are not to be beached or operated in the swimming or sand beach area. Tie your boats and store them in the dock or designated boat areas.

H. Dogs, cats, and domestic pets are NOT allowed at the beach or picnic areas. Dogs or cats running free will be turned over to the dog warden.

I. Fishing or boating is not permitted within 25 ft. of the swimming area. Lost fishhooks and lures are dangerous for swimmers.

9. TENNIS COURTS. The tennis courts are for use by members and their families, and guests accompanied by an Association member. The court may not be used for longer than one hour at a time if other members are waiting to play.

10. GUNS, HUNTING AND TRAPPING are NOT ALLOWED (except for Have-A-Heart type traps) on the lake or on any area under the control of the Association. Hunting by any means, including guns, bow and arrow, traps or any other method is strictly prohibited.

11. FISHING. Both summer and winter fishing is for the enjoyment of all members and their

families. The lake is periodically stocked with game fish. It is the responsibility of each member

to remind an authorized guest not to abuse the fishing privileges.

A. A valid State of Illinois Fishing license is required of CLA members and /or guests fishing on Countryside Lake.

B. NO LIVE MINNOW BAIT nor rusty crawfish may be used on Countryside Lake.

C. Daily catch and size limits. Fishing limits are per CLA member, irrespective of number of guests. Ex. Limit is 6 largemouth bass per day, per member, NOT 6 per person fishing.


Largemouth Bass 6 12” Walleye 3 15”

Northern Pike 1 30” Perch 7 NONE

Muskie 0 Release Crappie 7 NONE

D. CATCH AND RELEASE. It is recommended that fish caught, other than Perch, Pan Fish, limit Bass and limit Pike, except for Carp, be returned alive to the lake.

E. ICE FISHING is limited to members and their families. Three (3) guests are permitted only if accompanied by the host member.

1. No tip-ups are allowed when ice fishing.

2. Windbreaker shelters must be removed from the ice by dusk daily.

3. Fishing flags must be displayed. These can be obtained by contacting the CLA Board of Directors.

12. SNOWMOBILES, ATV’s, MINIBIKES: These vehicles must conform to state and county ordinances pertaining to licenses and operation for both vehicles and drivers. They may not be operated on the beach, picnic, tennis court, lakeshore or similar areas. Members ONLY may use them on the frozen lake at their own risk. Guests are not permitted to accompany a member on the frozen lake.

13. HORSES. Horses are permitted on or along road easements ONLY. They may not be ridden or tethered at the beach, picnic, tennis court or recreational areas.

14. STRUCTURES. No structures or landscape material, including rocks, boulders or similar material may be permanently affixed to the shoreline or put into the lake without written permission from the CLA Board of Directors.

15. DREDGING. No dredging of any type may be done in the lake or adjacent shore area without prior written permission from the CLA Board of Directors.

16. DIVERSION OF LAKE WATER. Association members are prohibited from diverting Countryside Lake water for private use, i.e. lawn and garden watering and the like. This also applies to streams and springs, which feed into Countryside Lake.

17. AIRCRAFT. No aircraft can land or take off within the Countryside Lake Boundaries.

18. TV SATELLITE DISHES larger than 24” in diameter may not be placed without CLA Board of Directors approval and never within 100 feet of the shoreline or 100 feet of any road easement. A building permit must also be obtained from the LakeCounty Building department. It is recommended that the area surrounding the satellite dish be landscaped so as to minimize or totally restrict its view from surrounding members and passing vehicles.

19. FERTILIZER USE. Lawn and garden fertilizer used by members of Countryside Lake Association must have 0% phosphorus content.

The CLA Board of Directors will notify members in violation of the above rules and regulations in writing. If members refuse to comply, membership privileges, including the use of the beach, lake and common areas will be revoked and a lien will be placed against the members’ property.