Countryside Lake Association

Mundelein, Illinois 60060

2014 Annual Meeting Minutes

March 17, 2014


BOARD ATTENDANCE: J. Miller, J. Eifert, S. Parmley, T. Richter, J. Wilkins, L. Jezuit, L. Erickson, D. Hupp and T. Caldwell.

CLA Members present 35

Member proxies to others present: 5

Member proxy to the Board: 38

A quorum was met and President John Eifert called the meeting to order at 7:32 PM


L. Graber moved and M. Aspegren seconded the motion to approve the Secretary’s Report of the October 2013 Semi-Annual meeting as circulated. All in favor, the motion carried.


  • J. Eifert asked that any member interested in receiving a copy of the Association’s audited financial report for 2013 please sign the clipboard and J. Miller will provide that to them at their request.

  • J. Miller reviewed the 2013 fiscal year budget and expenses and discussed the 2014 budget and year -to-date expenses as presented in the report dated March 17, 2014.

  • J. Miller noted the gift to CLA received from Indian Creek Watershed Project for the use of plantings at the conservation area on Maple Road. The board wanted to acknowledge their appreciation to member R. Aitken for her involvement with the ICWP, and the projects support of our Association with the donation.

  • C. Liberacki asked that we acknowledge the many community groups and member volunteers who have donated hours of field work to make the Conservation Area a successful watershed improvement project.

  • M. Aspegren moved and J. Gaertner seconded the motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report. All in favor, the motion carried.


  • John Eifert announced that the terms of 3 Directors positions were expiring. The terms of J. Eifert, J. Miller and T. Caldwell are expiring. Nominations from the floor will be accepted to fill the 3 year Directors positions.

  • J. Eifert opened the nominations to the floor.

    • Member D. Stevenson nominated T. Caldwell, seconded by J. Wilkins.

    • Member C. Rubel nominated J. Miller, seconded by J. Border

    • Member S. Pelke nominated C. Aspegren, seconded by J. Wilkins

  • L. Graber moved and M. Aspegren seconded the motion to close nominations and that the members present approve the election to the Board of the 3 nominated candidates. All in favor, the motion carried.

  • J. Eifert introduced and thanked the current Board of Directors for their past and continuing service to the Association and welcomed C. Aspegren.


Beach & Picnic

  • J. Wilkins reported that the beach season will begin Memorial Day weekend with guard coverage from 10:30am to 6 pm daily through the Labor Day weekend.

  • The 2014 lifeguard contract has been signed for the same rate as 2013, as reflected in this year’s budget.

  • Appreciation was given to Randy Miller for continued support and help with getting the ropes and raft in and out each season, and to Sean Parmley for maintenance of the beach and picnic areas all year.

  • Thanks were also expressed to Sue Nierman for continuing to handle the scheduling of group party reservations for the beach and picnic area. Her contact number is listed in the front of the CLA directory.

  • The IL Public Health Beach 2014 Permit has been submitted and weekly testing of the swim area will be done by Lake County as in the past.

Facilities & Grounds

S. Parmley first wanted to thank J. Eifert for his service to the board as president on for his many contributions on the behalf of the members of the Association during his tenure on the board.

S. Parmley reported on the maintenance for association owned areas, this year. Highlighted were:

  • Repairs were made to the west wall of the dam as recommended in the yearly dam inspection report, which is now complete. We may need some slight maintenance caulking on the spill way later this summer.

  • A fish gate has been installed below the dam at the outlet to minimize any loss of fish due to flooding in the upcoming season. Volunteers for monitoring and maintenance are always welcome from the fishermen on the lake.

  • The lake mooring buoys will be installed for the upcoming boat season. Depending on the popularity of their use we may consider installing a 3rd or 4th if needed. A contractor will be hired both for the installation and removal each season as it turns out to be quite a job, and particularly weather dependent, to secure them and the anchors each time.

  • It was noted that we do recommend the use of mushroom type anchors if needed to minimize any problem with the aeration lines. We have not had any problems with rupture or dragging of the lines to date.

  • The removal of the downed tree, from CLA property, in the waterway at the entrance to the back-bay is on the spring schedule.

  • Any fallen trees from private property which obstruct navigation should be reported to the board and the board will deal with the property owner concerning its removal.

  • Spring season cleanup will begin soon, to include removal of snow fencing, sand and gravel for the beach area and road, paint for the BBQ grills and split rail fence repair.

  • The tennis court will be ready with nets and screening in place, and the lightning detector at the beach will activated for the season as weather permits.

Lake Improvement Management

Weeds and Algae

D. Hupp reported on the condition of the lake last fall going into the winter season.

  • Our last year of a 3 year contract with McCloud Lake Services will be modified for the 2014 season. We will continue to apply a spring herbicide, Gallion, which was used 2 years ago and is effective against curly leaf which grows under the ice during the winter months. The treatment will be ice- out dependent, hopefully the 3rd or 4 week of April. We will also know then if we have had any winter fish kill, although we have no signs of that yet. Perhaps the winter weed growth may have actually helped avoid that. Mc Cloud will continue to monitor oxygen levels, and algae conditions, but no copper sulfate treatments will be used without the specific approval of the board. Our goal this season is to not use any algae treatments and hope the aeration and bio-treatments will keep algae growth at a minimum.


  •  The ice fishermen are reporting abundant healthy fish caught this winter.

  •  The fall stocking was completed and the numbers were: 170 northern pike

    • 90 tiger Muskie

    • 950 walleye

    • 950 croppy

    • 600 yellow perch

  •  The selection was based on size and cost, the DNR recommendations and member surveys.

  •  The aeration system will most likely not start up until ice out, and the biological treatments will not begin until a 60F water temperature is achieved, late May perhaps.


  • S. Parmley reported that the Association did plant 2 red, 2 white and 1 swamp oaks last fall at the beach and picnic area with one at the tennis courts, to replace dead or storm damaged trees. Hopefully they will have survived the severe winter but we do have warranty for them so they can be replaced if needed.

Water Quality

  • J. Wilkins reported that limited storm water monitoring will continue with the 2014 season at the Indian Creek steam near the Chevy Chase Road culvert. The storm criteria for monitoring runoff sampling and testing will be the same as last season (¾ inch in an hour or a total 1 inch accumulation over a 24 hour period). The past 2 summer seasons we have only had 3 storm events each, we hope for more rain to keep Indian Creek feeding the lake level, but hopefully will not sustain any significant flooding in the season either.

  • B. Donahoe discussed the purpose and use of a flow meter at the Chevy Chase culvert to record flow, depth, velocity and temperature to support the water sampling results in the calculation of how much sediment and phosphates are actually entering the lake via the creek. It is also there to generate historical data concerning the inlet water flow if circumstances significantly change resulting in reduced water to sustain the lake. Having these measurements over the years will help us determine the cause and remedy to preserve the lake environment.

  • Appreciation was given to volunteers Jim Donndelinger who maintains, services, and hauls the sampling units each season, and to Brian Donahoe who maintains the reference CLA weather station and manages the stream flow instrumentation and data to support the storm sample data and provide lake-inlet flow information.

  • In response to a question of ownership and responsibility it was explained that Indian Creek does run through several member’s private property, although the inlet at the lake is part of Association own property. .J. Eifert asked all fishermen or members to bring to the attention of the board any downed trees obstructing flow or navigation.


  • S. Parmley reported that the Association did plant 2 red, 2 white and 1 swamp oaks last fall at the beach and picnic area and one at the tennis courts, to replace dead or storm damaged trees last year. Hopefully they will have survived the severe winter, we did have warranty for them so hopefully they can be replaced if needed.

Long Range Planning

  • In response to a question concerning the shallowness of the navigation channel out of the lagoon area, S. Parmley explained that the committee will be investigating the feasibility of doing some micro-area dredging, but it will require considerable preparation to come up with an appropriate plan and contract for its implementation.

  • S. Parmley reviewed the goals and successful operations the Lake Restoration Project last season.

  • The goal is the use of no copper sulfate for algae control in the lake this year.

  • The startup of the system this spring will involve maintenance to the compressors, removal of weather protections in the system, and startup of the aerators as soon as weather permits.

  • The biologicals are the significant cost as listed in the budget for the Lake Improvement Program. The capital cost is complete, but there are some seasonal maintenance expenses, as well as additional funds budgeted for electric usage for the compressors.

  • The long range goal is making a healthier lake environment for the aquatic life, the animals that depend on it and for a more enjoyable lake for all CLA members.

  • The Lake County Health Department does monitor the lake water quality, and assesses the overall health of the lake. They sample monthly, do weed identification and counting several times a season, and we have member volunteers who aid their monitoring and submit data to them at the website. Evan, Ethan and Eric Butler, sons of John and Athena volunteer time every 2 weeks during the summer season to supplement the county’s monitoring of Countryside Lake. The testing results and annual reports for Countryside Lake are posted and available on the Lake County website.

Boat Assignments

  • Lee Erickson reminded all members that current registration and the display of CLA green decals are required of all boats on the lake or stored in the racks on association property.

  • The waiting list for an Association pontoon dock is currently about 10 years, but there are plenty of boat racks available for members use.

  • The membership was reminded that it is their responsibility to register their watercraft with the state of Illinois, and meet all DNR safety requirements as well as comply with CLA rules and regulations.

Dock Maintenance

  • Lee Erickson reported that all the replacement piers at both the lagoon and the boat launch area appear to have held up well over the winter, with no major repairs necessary for the upcoming season.

  • J. Eifert encouraged all members to enjoy the fishing piers.

  • In response to a question about removing a tree at the boat launch area to make turning easier, J. Eifert explained that the board had considered the situation and decided not to remove any of the large oaks present as it might be difficult for launching but is still accessible for all vehicles launching with a bit of trying.

Special Projects

Conservation Area

  • Tom Richter expressed appreciation to all the volunteers and to members Sharon Anderson, Colleen Liberacki and Rosemary Aitken for being the heart and soul of the project with their continued support and volunteer efforts.

  • A status report of the activities at the Countryside Lake Conservation Area included a fall controlled burn of the grassland areas, continued selective herbicide treatments for invasive species, bush and deadwood clearing and maintenance of the walking paths.

  • Volunteer days will continue with clean up and improvements this season. Watch for posted signs and website announcements.

  • The budget includes a maintenance contract for some services, and there will be planned planting to be undertaken this year, with the gift received from the Indian Creek Watershed mentioned earlier.

  • C. Rubel asked if the board would consider creating more parking for members and guests at the entrance to the beach and adjacent to the Conservation Area on Maple Road. J. Eifert said the board had no current plan to dedicate additional land to parking, but do hope security and other members will help enforce the parking rules concerning members and guests access to the Association facilities. The security patrol does now have official trespass warning notices for improved enforcement of repeat offenders.


  • Les Jezuit thanked Brian Donahoe for his continued efforts maintaining our Association website.

  • Members are encouraged to visit the website, register as members and take a look at all the content which is a blend of current information about the community and surrounding areas, history of Countryside Lake, maps and archived photos. Brian has continued to add to the home page, including links to weather, current news headlines, the O’Kelly newsletter and other public sites of interest.

  • Members were asked to update any email changes with Julie Wilkins or by email on the website so the Association alert email list will be current and effective.

  • The Association website address is listed in the front of the directory. You can request access to the CLA member only section, by identifying yourself and providing an email address.

  • L .Jezuit thanked J. Eifert and the support of the board in getting a community website available to the membership while protecting our privacy and other issues that were of concern to many members.

Architectural Review –

  • T. Caldwell reminded the members the requirement for CLA approval of any new house construction. These are very minimal requirements but you will need approval to build on a parcel contained within the Countryside Lake Association boundaries.

Rules and Regulations –

  • T. Caldwell reminded members of several changes to the rules and regulations distributed to members last fall.

  • These pertained to use of the new mooring buoys, a change to the catch and release status of northern pike an elimination of satellite dish restrictions.


  • T. Richter discussed the current contract hours with Howe Security for patrol of our 5 Association neighborhoods.

  • We are currently contracting 8 hour/day, beginning in May we will go to a variable 10, and for the summer months of June, July and August will have 12 hours/day coverage.

  • The variable schedule may include split shifts during the spring and summer months (May through September) to accommodate the proposed 10 and 12 hours of coverage.

  • The membership was reminded that for any emergency situation call 911, for non-emergency you may call Lake County’s non-emergency number, as well as call the CLA security number and leave a message. . They will return your call as soon as they are back on duty. All numbers are listed in the front of the CLA directory.

  • It was also explained that security alerts will be sent to the membership via the Association website as soon as feasible and recommended by the Lake County Sheriff’s Department. All members are encouraged to provide a contact email address for that purpose.

  • Members who have any concerns or issues with our current security should please speak to any board or committee member.

  • Security officer Marty Bertrand introduced himself to the members present and gave an overview of Howe Security and the services provided for the association and homeowners.

  • A spring 2014 safety bulletin concerning scams and ruse burglary/ home repair, as well as information on the new AED unit (Automatic External Defribulator) now carried in the CLA patrol car, and the severe warning system in place at the beach during the summer season.

  • Members were informed that new IL laws allow the Secretary of State to revoke your IL driver license for a DUI boating conviction. Implied consent for testing by the DNR is the same as for any traffic violation.

  • Electronic insurance cards are now accepted by the state.

  • Members leaving town were urged to use the house watch services provided and to make sure that contact numbers for any security alarm systems are current and directed to the Lake County Sheriff’s Department.

  • All members were reminded to follow rules and parking regulations for the upcoming beach and boating season, Security asks members to please use the CLA boat and car stickers and to pay attention to neighborhood activity and call security if they have any concerns.

  • The question of posting the beach and picnic area with the prohibited “conceal and carry” signage will be considered by the board.


  • J. Eifert commented that the board continues to authorize the legal services to monitor foreclosures and bank settlement cases for owned properties within the Association. These are approved on an individual basis and is done to make sure the interests of the Association are protected in such cases.

  • We also have legal services contracted for with respect to delinquencies and collections.

  • There are no pending legal actions against the Association.



J. Eifert thanked the board members who have served the Association for the last 7 years while he has been a members of the board, and wanted to make sure the members understand that the volunteered time and efforts of the board have always been done with fairness and concern to act in the best interest of all Association members.

He also thanked the members who volunteer to serve on committees, and those who volunteer to work to improve the conservation area, do dead fish clean up, help getting the ropes and raft out for the beach season. He encouraged all members to get involved with the many things the association does, because that is what makes our neighborhood so special.


L. Graber moved and A. Zych seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:10PM. All in favor, motion carried.

Countryside Lake Association

Mundelein, Illinois 60060

2014 Semi-Annual Meeting Minutes

October 20, 2014


BOARD ATTENDANCE: J. Miller, D. Hupp, S. Parmley, J. Wilkins, L. Jezuit, L. Erickson, T. Richter, C. Aspegren, T. Caldwell.

CLA Members present 22

Member proxies to others present: 3

Member proxy to the Board: 51

A quorum was met and President Sean Parmley called the meeting to order at 7:30p.m.

Sean Parmley welcomed and thanked members for attending the semi-annual meeting, and asked any new members attending to please introduce themselves. One new member was in attendance, Armen Tatevosian and his wife Jessica are new owners on Longmeadow Drive.


L. Jezuit moved and M. Aspegren seconded the motion to approve the Secretary’s Report of the March 2014 Annual meeting as circulated. All in favor, the motion carried.


J. Miller presented the fiscal year to date budget and expenses as distributed in the report dated October 12, 2014, and added the following comments.

  • The additional funds received under dues for the current year are a result of the Association receiving past year’s delinquent dues.

  • The capital fund replenishment will occur before the end of the current fiscal year as a transfer of funds from the operating budget to the capital reserve funds.

  • Under the capital expenditures the Conservation Area shows a $2,000 credit due to an unexpected gift from the Indian Creek Watershed Project dedicated to plantings for that environmental project.

  • Our membership has increased by 1, a current member who owned additional properties has sold one, which gave us a new member in the association. Our current membership is 345.

  • Ed Johnson moved and J. Gaertner seconded the motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report. All in favor, the motion carried.


Beach & Picnic

  • J. Wilkins reported that we may have lost a trash can or two again this season, but all in all it was a good swim season with no beach closings, good reliable guard coverage, and good use of the picnic areas by members and their guests.

  • Again the 2014 lifeguard costs came in under budget due to reduced guard hours at the end of the season.

  • We did lose some shade tree coverage from storm damage and the board hopes to plant in the playground area to eventually provide that area with additional shade.

  • Thanks again this year to Randy Miller for facilitating the installation and removal of the ropes and raft each season, and to Lee Erickson for always being willing to help.

  • Thanks also to Sean Parmley for landscape improvements and maintenance in the beach and picnic area.

Facilities & Grounds

Sean Parmley reported on the maintenance for association owned areas, and improvements to facilities this season. Highlighted were:

  • The dam inspection is to be done this week.

  • Last year’s inspection called for some caulking repairs to be done where the dam wall meets the concrete fabric form covering. We did competitive bidding and selected Shoreline Creations to complete those repairs and came in under budget for repairs this year.

  • We did competitive bidding for our landscape contract, which was up this year and have decided to continue with our current provider, Meyer Landscape Services, who submitted a 3 year contract with no cost increase.

  • We have had 2 major storms with damage to 2 trees in the boat launch area, as well as 2 at the beach/picnic area and another tree at the tennis court which significantly damaged the court fencing. With both the beach and tennis court roads blocked we hired Sanroman Maintenance to come out that night and open up the roads and to clear damage, and for a reasonable price all cleanup was finished within the week. The fencing repairs were competitively bid and Link-n-Wood should be on site in the next week or two to complete the repairs.

  • The wind screens on the tennis court will be rolled up for the winter and snow fencing has been installed on the beach to control drifting this winter. We contract for the plowing of beach road each winter to provide access to the area for ice fishing and winter sports activities.

Long Range Planning

Sean Parmley introduced the members of the long range planning committee : M. Aspegren, M. Cook, J. Esperson, D. Hupp, L. Jezuit, J. Miller, K. Theis, M. Theobold, T. Richter and S. Parmley, and thanked them for their continuing efforts.

  • With the aeration and bio-augmentation project in operation the focus of the group has been to investigate possible muck and sediment removal in select areas of the lake bottom. The method, cost and areas under consideration include the swim area and the lake side of the lagoon peninsula, possibly getting some additional docks in that area, as well other key problem areas such as the entrance to the back- bay.

Lake Improvement Management

Weeds and Algae

  • D. Hupp discussed the continued lake water improvement program which for the full summer season consisted of 6 bio-treatments and only 3 copper sulfate applications which were limited to the back- bay area where algae growth presented a significant problem this season.

  • The program for future weed and algae control services is being bid by several service companies and will be negotiated in conjunction with the bio-augmentation program.

  • We did have several heavy rain events which resulted in significant runoff and subsequent algae blooms, we ask the members to please be diligent about minimizing/eliminating lawn applications and use only phosphate free products, as well as maintaining the shoreline to minimize erosion.

  • The weather has been good this season with no severe draught or extreme heat conditions to stress the lake environment. This was apparent by the particularly good water conditions all season.

  • The condition of the back-bay this season and a proposed specialized treatment plan for next year for the area was discussed. The board expressed its willingness to continue work with the shoreline members in addressing the particular problems of the area.

  • Lake County is continuing their lake water/weed monitoring program for our lake. This has been an ongoing project for almost 10 years. The Butler boys, Evan, Ethan and Eric have been involved in for several years providing additional testing and recording of lake water conditions with the project, and we thank them for their efforts and involvement. The county reports are available both on the county website and B. Donahoe has posted them on the CLA website when available.


  • The fish stocking this year will be done by Richmond Fisheries, there are really only 2 qualified bidders in the area, and we did receive bids from both for our fall stocking.

  • 1,000 black croppies have already been delivered, additional species ordered are northern pike, tiger muskie, walleye, and yellow perch. The stocking order is based on the DNR recommendation from on the population survey done two years ago and the preferences from our own fishermen surveys.

  • The number of each species is balanced against size and cost to maintain a good balance in the population.

  • The lake restoration program has seemed to be beneficial to the health of the fish and bird population as noted by members and others servicing our lake.

  • In response to a member’s comment concerning the excellent lake conditions this year, D. Hupp commented that our weed control treatments have been very effective with alternating yearly between two herbicide products, and we will continue with that schedule and hope for continued success.

  • S. Czynski commented on the wonderful experience her grandchildren had this summer casting from the shoreline and catching fish at a children’s fishing workshop run by one of our own youth members.

  • It was reported that there has not been any significant fish seen caught by the fish gate installed below the dam outlet this season.

Shoreline Control- no report

Water Quality

  • J. Wilkins reported that the storm water monitoring program to collect and test storm water samples from Indian Creek at the Chevy Chase Road culvert, the main inlet to the lake, continues.

  • So far this season we have had 9 storm events (which are defined by an inch or more in 24 hours). One event was missed during a particularly bad storm, but in general the events were well spaced about every 2 weeks which meant we had a great summer for water flow into this lake this year.

  • B. Donahoe installs and maintains a flow meter to monitor the amount of water actually entering the lake from the creek.

  • The testing results of the storm water samples are not showing significant sediment run off or phosphate levels coming down the creek from across Gilmer and the golf course community located there.

  • Our budget for equipment and sample testing is considerably less than it has been in the past but we continue to budget for situations such as extreme flooding or problems which might arise concerning the quality of the water entering the lake.

  • Appreciation was given to volunteers Jim Donndelinger who maintains, services, and hauls the sampling units each season, and to Brian Donahoe who maintains the reference CLA weather station site and has provided continued technical support to the monitoring efforts in addition to the flow instrument data recovery.

Boat Assignments and Dock Maintenance

  • Lee Erickson reminded members that boats are to be removed from Association piers by November 1.

  • He reported that unfortunately the waiting list for an association pier is still about 10 years, and anyone who believes they are on the list is asked to check with him, and he will let you know where you are on the waiting list.

  • There are currently openings for boat storage on the racks, contact Lee if you are interested.

  • Any boat on CLA property does need a green CLA sticker, contact L. Erickson and he will get those to you at no cost.

  • Several association docks needed minor repairs, but if the damage has been caused by the inappropriate mooring of a pontoon boat the member will and has been charged the repair costs.

Special Projects

Conservation Area

  • The year’s activity in the conservation lot has been one of maintenance with general cleanup of brush and dead trees.

  • There have been several volunteer days involving that work and some planting. Those involved with the project were thanked for their dedication and efforts to maintain the site.

  • Herbicide treatments are continuing to eradicate the canary reed grass, thistles and garlic mustard. We do still have a lot of yellow goldenrod this year.

Lake Restoration

  • The aeration system is running well and for the season achieved the goal of eliminating the application of copper sulfate in the main body of the lake, although the issues with the back bay are still a problem as discussed earlier.

  • The aeration will shut down in November to provide for an ice fishing season, and will be turned back on with ice out in the spring. The compressors will be serviced for filters and oil and the aeration heads cleaned prior to activating the system.

Architectural Review

  • Members were reminded that any new housing construction within CLA requires board plan approval.

Rules and Regulations

  • Current rules and regulations were mailed to all members as required by our bylaws.

  • If any member has a question concerning the current rules or would like to propose a change to be discussed and considered by the board please contact T. Caldwell.


  • C. Aspegren commented on the 5 trees lost to storms this season, he will be looking to replace those with fairly good sized maple and oak plantings at both the tennis court and the beach areas this fall, utilizing the budgeted funds.


  • The seasonal contracted security patrol hours were reviewed by T. Richter. October begins a variable 8 hours of patrol coverage per day for the next 6 months.

  • Marty Bertrand from Howe Security introduced himself.

  • Members were reminded to call 911 in the case of any emergency. Security does monitor the Lake County Sheriff’s Department and Countryside Lake Fire Protection emergency calls while on duty and they will respond to assist in any way they can but you should always first call 911 in the case of emergency.

  • It was noted that in the past year we have had one residential burglary, and one attempted burglary of Association property. Both were daytime events, and reminded all members to be good neighbors and alert security, Lake County Sheriff’s Department or Hawthorn Woods Police if you live in Camden Trace, if you see suspicious activity.

  • Official trick or treat hours are 4-8pm on October 31st.

  • Members were asked to please abide by the Association rules with respect to boat and car decals, guest parking passes and other rules and regulations concerning the use of common areas.

  • He reminded the members to review the ice fishing rules for the upcoming season. No guests without members present, no tip ups, no minnows anytime, and any shelters and must be removed daily.

  • Please be aware that there are a number of coyotes around, and be alert when outside with pets.

  • Please use your security system if you have one, and confirm that the alarm contact # is for the Lake County Sheriff’s Department. Please also test and replace your smoke detector batteries.

  • The CLA lighting detector located at the beach alarm is a long 15 sec blast, the all clear will be a repeated 5 seconds on 2seconds off signal. You may also hear the detector from the golf course. The Fire Department has the tornado warning system, which will blast and provide voice commands.

  • Snowmobiles and ATVs are not allowed on the shoreline, beach or other association property, and only members are allowed to be on the lake with these vehicles.

  • Howe provides a house-watch service, in addition to that provided by the Sheriff’s Department. If you will be out of town for any length of time, please remember to stop mail and paper deliveries, arrange to have your driveway plowed if needed during the winter months, use timers for lighting and set your security systems before leaving.

  • A public safety bulletin concerning ruse burglary/home repair fraud as well as host/parental social responsibility and liability legislation from the state was distributed to the membership.

  • The on duty patrol cell phone number is listed on the front of your CLA directory, if we are not on duty you may leave a message and we will contact you as soon as a patrol officer is back on duty.

  • Again, in any threatening emergency call 911 first.


  • S. Parmley announced that the association has hired a new firm to represent us. The firm Fullet, Rosenlund and Anderson were chosen after interviewing several firms. They specialize in HOA’s, are familiar with our previous attorney and our needs. We hope to have a better relationship and response to our requests with the change.




J. Gaertner moved and M. Aspegren seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:40pm. All in favor, motion carried.