Countryside Lake Association

Mundelein, Illinois 60060

2012 Annual Meeting Minutes

March 18, 2013


Board Attendance: J. Miller, J. Eifert, S. Parmley, T. Richter, J. Wilkins, L. Jezuit, L. Erickson, D. Hupp and T. Caldwell.

CLA Members present: 27

Member proxies to others present: 6

Member proxy to the Board: 63

A quorum was met and President John Eifert called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m.

J. Eifert introduced the current members of the Board of Directors and their areas of responsibility for the Association.

No new members to the Association were present for introduction.


L. Jezuit moved and M. Aspegren seconded the motion to approve the Secretary’s Report of the October 2012 Semi-Annual meeting as circulated. All in favor, the motion carried.


J. Miller reviewed the 2012 fiscal year budget and expenses and discussed the 2013 budget and year -to-date expenses as presented in the report dated March 18, 2013.

R. Zaun moved and K. Theis seconded the motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report. All in favor, the motion carried.


  • John Eifert announced that the terms of 3 Directors positions were expiring. The terms of T. Richter, S. Parmley and J. Wilkins are expiring. The remaining 2 year term of appointed director D. Hupp is also open for election by the membership. T. Caldwell stated that as all 3 current board members have expressed interest in being considered for another 3 year term and D. Hupp would like to stand for election of the 2 year term remaining on his appointment, he offered all 4 names for nomination. L. Jezuit seconded the nominations.

  • J. Eifert opened the nominations to the floor. There were none.

  • J. Eifert moved and L. Jezuit seconded the motion to close nominations and that the members present approve the election to the Board of the 4 nominated candidates. All in favor, the motion carried.

  • J. Eifert encouraged all members to consider volunteering and serving on any of the committees of the Association. The board welcomes and appreciates receiving input from any member concerning the Association responsibilities and activities.


Beach & Picnic

  • J. Wilkins reported that the beach season will begin Memorial Day weekend with life guard coverage from 10:30am to 6 pm daily through the Labor Day weekend.

  • The 2013 lifeguard contract has been signed for the same rate as 2012 as reflected in this year’s budget. The good news is that a wonderful guard from past summers will be returning again this season.

  • Appreciation was given to Randy Miller for continued support and help with getting the ropes and raft in and out each season, and to Sean Parmley for maintenance of the beach and picnic areas all year.

  • Thanks were also expressed to Sue Nierman for continuing to handle the scheduling of group party reservations for the beach and picnic area.

  • The IL Public Health Beach 2013 Permit has been submitted and weekly testing of the swim area will be done by Lake County as in the past.

Facilities & Grounds

S. Parmley reported on the maintenance for association owned areas, this year. Highlighted were:

  • Minimal snow plow expense this past season.

  • Spring season cleanup will begin including snow fencing down, sand and gravel for the beach area and road, paint for the BBQ grills and split rail fence repair.

  • The tennis court will be ready with nets and screening in place, and the lightning detector at the beach will activated for the season as weather permits.

  • S. Parmley reviewed the operation of the lightning prediction system. When conditions are such that lightning is possible or present nearby, the horn will blast for about 15 seconds and the strobe light will turn on. The system will send out 3 short blasts notifying “all is clear” and the strobe will turn off.

  • Locations and planting of any additional trees to Association property will be considered for the fall.

Lake Improvement Management

Weeds and Algae

D. Hupp reported on the condition of the lake with respect to last summer’s extreme conditions, fall/winter season and expected spring/summer activities for weed and algae control.

    • It was reported that we are currently in year 2 of a 3 year contact with McCloud for weed and algae control. In 2012 we used the herbicide product recommended by McCloud called Gallion. A report by the manufacturer of the results of its use and efficacy for our lake has been received. Gallion was shown to be effective with an 83% reduction of our weed biomass in the water column after 6 weeks of treatment.

    • The board will grant the company the right to use our data in the results of their study without name and specific location of lake treated.

    • It is not recommended for use in consecutive years, and we will return to the use of the herbicide product Sonar, effectively used in the past particularly to knock down early spring growth of the curly leaf.

    • Algae control will continue once the water temperature rises and lake conditions require treatment.


D. Hupp reported on the results and recommendations of the Illinois DNR electroshock fish survey done last September.

    • The survey indicated a healthy fish population with a good distribution by size.

    • They recommended fall stocking of larger predator species 2/acre/year to help replenish those specie lost in the July 2012 fish kill, and to continue the “catch and remove” carp policy.

    • The cause for the summer fish kill was not attributed to the use of Gallion early in the season but due to extreme weather conditions and the lack of cool water/oxygen refuge in our shallow lake.

    • Other Lake County shallow lakes experienced similar large specie kills in 2012.

    • It was noted in response to a question that the association did not spend the full amount budgeted for stocking due to the low lake conditions and recommendations received in the DNR report.

    • The 2013 budget was reduced, as were many other line items in the budget and is expected to allow us to meet DNR stocking recommendations for the coming year.

    • It was discussed that no fish gate above the dam road in front of the culvert is recommended by the engineers. A possible fish gate of sorts below the dam road culvert may be considered.

    • The issue of poaching continues to concern many fishermen. Increased enforcement with members notified for guest violations and better record keeping are all being used to address the problem.

Water Quality

  • J. Wilkins reported that limited storm water monitoring will continue this season at the Indian Creek steam near the Chevy Chase Road culvert. The storm criteria for monitoring runoff sampling and testing will be the same as last season (¾ inch in an hour or a total 1 inch accumulation over a 24 hour period).

  • Appreciation was given to volunteers Jim Donndelinger who maintains, services, and hauls the sampling units each season, and to Brian Donahoe who maintains the reference CLA weather and manages the stream flow instrumentation and data.

Long Range Planning

    • S. Parmley introduced the other members of the Long Range Planning committee: M. Aspegren, J. Esperson, D. Hupp, L. Jezuit, J. Miller, M. Theobald, and T. Richter. He thanked them for all the time and effort put in on behalf of the association.

    • S. Parmley reviewed the goals and progress made on the Lake Restoration Project since the last membership meeting.

    • The long range goals are: reduction in algae, weaning ourselves off copper treatments, reduction in nutrients in lake sediment, eliminating odors associated with an anaerobic lake bottom sediment- hydrogen sulfide (rotten egg smell), ammonia, and methane.

    • The larger long range goal is making a healthier lake environment for the aquatic life, animals that depend on it and for a more enjoyable lake for all CLA members.

    • The progress since last October:

      • In December 2012 Aquatic biologist were contracted to do a systematic dot grid sampling of our lake bottom sediment. The study was done with a fiberglass pole and secchi disk. The water depth and sediment depth to firm lake bottom were recorded and GPS location charted for current mapping and future studies. 94/104 GPS points were measured, 10 location points being restricted from access by ice.

      • Sediment depth ranged from inches to 2.75 feet. 5 of the deeper points were sampled for organic content and which averaged 12.5%. (Note: A 1979 Lake Management Consultants report cited compact clay lense with an underlying organic sediment layer which the 2012 testing did not attempt to penetrate or measure. This underlying sediment is unlikely to be affected by an aeration and bio-augmentation program.

      • Bids were sought for the design and installation of a lake aeration system, 3 companies responded, and were invited to make presentations and answer questions from the committee

        • Air diffusion Systems- $132,000.00

        • Lake Savers - $145,000.00

        • Organic Pond - $159,000.00

      • The committee unanimously chose ADS based on the quality of the aeration heads, maintenance cost, references provided and the Lake County business location. In February the board unanimously approved the committee’s recommendation, and contracted with ADS for the installation of a lake aeration system.

      • The plan is to have the system split in 2 halves serving what are considered lower and upper lake regions, with the border line being the 2 islands.

      • The lower region will be have 11 aeration heads and 15,800 feet of air lines with a compressor located in a constructed shed near the tennis courts.

      • The upper region will have 17 heads and 21,800 feet of air line with the compressor serving them located within Fred’s shed at the beach.

      • The location of each head was positioned considering water depth, sediment depth, distance from the compressor as well as even distribution throughout the lake and proximity to the beach and boat dock areas.

      • The compressor sheds will have soundproofing to help minimize noise to the surrounding areas.

      • Installation will begin this spring and the system is expected to be operational until November or when ice begins.

      • It will not compromise the winter freezing of the lake or ice fishing.

      • The plan will include meshing existing weed and algae treatments with a bio-augmentation program in the first and subsequent seasons. The goal is to use beneficial bacterial treatments to begin to reduce the organic sediment on the lake bottom.

G. Zern asked if the board might consider the installation of mooring buoys in the lake to reduce the use anchors which might damage the compressed air lines on the lake bottom.

S. Parmley noted that the project cost is shown in the 2013 capital expenditures budget and does not exceed the financial authority of the board to undertake on capital expenditures.

The planning committee will review and consider future strategic dredging projects for shallow areas, or channels once this major project is up and running and an evaluation of the overall restoration efforts can be assessed.

Boat Assignments

  • Lee Erickson reminded all members that current registration and the display of CLA green decals are required of all boats on the lake or stored in the racks on association property.

  • The membership was reminded that it is their responsibility to register their watercraft with the state of Illinois, and meet all DNR safety requirements as well as comply with CLA rules and regulations.

  • The waiting list for an Association pontoon dock currently has about 35 members, and while some years we do turn over several docks, it still represents an 8-9 year wait for some on the list.

  • There is rack storage available to members at either the beach or tennis court areas.

Dock Maintenance

Lee Erickson reported that the replacement piers at the lagoon and the boat launch area appear to have held up well over the winter, with no major repairs necessary for the upcoming season.

Special Projects

Conservation Area

  • Tom Richter discussed the continuing activities for the restoration of the Countryside Lake Conservation Area.

  • Appreciation to members Sharon Anderson, Colleen Liberacki and Rosemary Aitken for being the heart and soul of the project with their continued support and volunteer efforts.

  • Volunteer days will continue with clean up and improvements this season. Watch for posted signs and website announcements.

  • A grant for 2013, identified and submitted by R. Aitken, will help fund efforts to improve pathways, remove invasive species and provide for a spring burn of the area, weather permitting.

  • The reduced budget for the Conservation Area is to provide maintenance and matching funds for the grant application


  • Les Jezuit thanked Brian Donahoe for his continued dedication, efforts, and cooperation working with the board to develop and for maintaining our Association website.

  • Members are encouraged to visit the website register as members and take a look at all the content concerning Countryside Lake history, maps, archived photos as well as association information. Brian has also added much to the home page, including links to weather, current news headlines, the O’Kelly newsletter and other public sites of interest.

  • Members were asked to update any email changes with Julie Wilkins or by email on the website so the Association alert email list will be current and effective.

  • The Association website address is listed in the front of the directory. You can request access to the CLA member only section, by identifying yourself and an email address.

Architectural Review – No report

Rules and Regulations – No report


  • T. Richter discussed the current contract hours with Howe Security for patrol of our 5 Association neighborhoods.

  • The variable schedule may include split shifts during the spring and summer months (May through September) to accommodate the proposed 10 and 12 hours of coverage.

  • Members of the security committee, T. Caldwell, S. Robb, M. Aspegren, M. Theobald, S. Parmley K. Alberts and R. Seward were thanked for their service to the Association.

  • Members who have any concerns or issues with our current security should please speak to any board member or committee member.

  • The standing committee will continue to consider and evaluate possible solutions for any ongoing security needs as an association of 343 households.

  • Security officer Marty Bertrand introduced himself to the members present and gave an overview of Howe Security and the services provided for the association and homeowners.

  • A public safety bulletin concerning scams and ruse burglary/ home repair was distributed.

  • Particular note was made to the current parental responsibility act and the criminal and civil liability of adults who “provide access” of alcohol to minors.

  • Members leaving town were urged to use the house watch services provided and to make sure that contact numbers for any security alarm systems are current and directed to the Lake County Sheriff’s Department.

  • All members were reminded to follow rules and parking regulations for the upcoming beach and boating season, and to pay attention to neighborhood activity and call security if they have any concerns.


J. Eifert commented that the board authorizes the legal monitoring of foreclosures and bank settlement cases for owned properties within the Association. These are approved on an individual basis and is done to make sure the interests of the Association are protected in such cases.




M. Aspegren moved and R. Zaun seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting. All in favor, motion carried.

Countryside Lake Association

Mundelein, Illinois 60060

2013 Semi-Annual Meeting Minutes

October 21, 2013


BOARD ATTENDANCE: J. Miller, D. Hupp, S. Parmley, J. Wilkins, L. Jezuit and L. Erickson, T. Richter.

Absent: J. Eifert, T. Caldwell.

CLA Members present 27

Member proxies to others present: 7

Member proxy to the Board: 64

A quorum was met and Vice-President Sean Parmley called the meeting to order at 7:30p.m.

Sean Parmley welcomed and thanked members for attending the semi-annual meeting, and asked any new members attending to please introduce themselves. 3 new members were in attendance, Don and Lynn Means from W. Lakeview Parkway, Mark and Nancy Pipas from Countryside Lake Drive, and Scott and Joyce Briggs from Oakleaf Court.


L. Graber moved and S. Anderson seconded the motion to approve the Secretary’s Report of the March 2013 Annual meeting as circulated. All in favor, the motion carried.


  • J. Miller presented the fiscal year to date budget and expenses as distributed in the report dated October 18, 2013.

  • The board answered questions concerning operating budget balances, reserve funds and the capital expenditures.

  • A. Zych moved and H. Donndelinger seconded the motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report. All in favor, the motion carried.


Beach & Picnic

  • J. Wilkins reported that 2 trash can bottoms from the picnic area are missing. The cover lids and the bagged garbage were left at both container sites, hopefully they might be returned. (?)

  • 2013 lifeguard costs came in under budget due to reduced guard hours at the end of the season.

  • Thanks again this year to Randy Miller for facilitating the installation and removal of the ropes and raft each season, and to Lee Erickson for always being willing to help.

  • Thanks also to Sean Parmley for landscape improvements and maintenance in the beach and picnic area.

Facilities & Grounds

Sean Parmley reported on the maintenance for association owned areas, and improvements to facilities this season. Highlighted were:

  • Repair of the west wall of the dam is planned for this season. 4 bids were solicited, 2 were received, and the board contracted with Boller Construction for a recommended full repair of the west wall at a cost of approximately $14,000.00.

  • Once the repair is complete, the yearly dam inspection will be made and submitted to the state.

  • A fish gate has been installed downstream of the road culvert at the dam outlet.

  • 2 mooring buoys were installed in the lake this season, members are encouraged to use them. The possibility of additional buoys in other lake areas will be considered in the future. They will be removed for the winter season.

  • The association will be planting 5 trees this fall. 2 red oaks, 2 white oaks and 1 swamp oak are planned for the beach and picnic area.

  • A flagstone path approach area (6x15 ft.) will be installed on the lagoon side of the bridge, similar to the parking area approach to help with erosion and mud conditions in the spring and summer.

  • Member Carolyn Rubel asked the board to address the presence of a downed tree at the entrance to the Back Bay area. She and another resident of the Back Bay area, Brenda Reifenberg, volunteered to contribute funds for its removal if cost was the issue. S. Parmley asked those interested in discussing a proposal to have the tree removed to attend the November 12 board meeting.

Long Range Planning

Sean Parmley discussed the program of lake restoration and improvement of water quality by the use of aeration and bio-augmentation that was installed and put into operation this season.

  • The system installation was completed and operational about mid-July. The late summer and fall weather along with the aeration have resulted in excellent water conditions

  • There have been 4 bio-augmentation treatments so far, and no copper sulfate has been used since the startup of the system.

  • The lake conditions are significantly improved over previous seasons with respect to odor, algae and water clarity.

  • The improved water oxygenation due to the compressed air bubblers is beneficial to the fish population and the overall health of the lake environment.

  • Member Don Means asked about the possibility of aerating the shallower shoreline areas. The effective return on the aerators is related to the depth of the lake and the water column present for the exchange. The deeper areas of the lake were targeted to take advantage of that with respect to the budgeted capital expenditure.

  • The cost of the aeration tubing and the distance from compressor to aerator heads, as well as the efficiency were all considered in designing the system.

  • The board is willing to consider approval of private shoreline owners to augment the current system with either similar private aeration units or bio-augmentation efforts.

Lake Improvement Management

Weeds and Algae

  • D. Hupp discussed the continued use of the herbicide Sonar for next spring’s knock down of the winter weed growth.

  • The Association has 1 year remaining in a contract for weed and algae control, but the use of any chemicals will be coordinated with the bio-augmentation schedule and spring and summer conditions as they present.

  • The possibility of greater weed growth due to greater sunlight penetration with clearer water conditions was discussed. The conditions for boating and fishing will be monitored as the long range goals of the lake improvement system take effect.

  • After the 2014 season any contracts for the weed and algae control will be renegotiated to take into account the restoration program.


  • We are still experiencing the long range effects of the 2012 fish kill in the lake fish population.

  • We lost mainly large size fish, and those will take time to repopulate.

  • The Illinois DNR survey of our lake fish population last fall and the results of the member’s fish surveys will be used to determine the makeup of the fall stocking order.

  • Member’s preference ranking showed largemouth bass, northern pike, muskie and walleye as the most desired.

  • The DNR assessment was that we have a healthy bass population and we should maintain it with a balanced predator species population recommended at 2 per acre.

  • The fall stocking will concentrate on larger fish in hopes of better survival and eventual growth of the stocked population.

  • D. Hupp discussed that he will recommend an increase in the 2014 stocking budget to $10,000, to continue a long range population growth plan.

Shoreline Control- no report

Water Quality

  • J. Wilkins reported that the storm water monitoring program which is designed to collect and test storm water samples from Indian Creek at the Chevy Chase Road culvert, the main inlet to the lake, continues.

  • Low storm incidents/sampling events (3 events) as well as no major equipment expenses are shown by the low year to date expense on the treasurer’s report.

  • Appreciation was given to volunteers Jim Donndelinger who maintains, services, and hauls the sampling units each season, and to Brian Donahoe who maintains the reference CLA weather station site and has provided continued technical support to the monitoring efforts in addition to the flow instrument installation and data recovery.

Boat Assignments and Dock Maintenance

  • Lee Erickson reminded members that boats are to be removed from Association piers by November 1.

  • He reported that there are currently 33 people on the waiting list, which goes back to 2004. Anyone who believes they are on the list is asked to check with him, and he will let you know where you are on the waiting list.

  • There are currently openings for boat storage on the racks, contact Lee if you are interested.

Special Projects

Conservation Area

  • T. Richter expressed special thanks to Sharon Anderson, Rosemary Aitken, Colleen Liberacki, and Jim Donndelinger for their many volunteer hours of service to the restoration of the conservation area at the corner of the entrance to the beach and Lakeview Parkway.

  • They have coordinated more than 100 volunteers over the years, involved in the general clean up, removal of invasive species, all to support establishment native species, along with wildflower, shrub, and tree plantings.

  • A supporting grant from Storm water Management will offset costs of contracted herbicide applications, and a scheduled fall burn of the area.


  • Les Jezuit thanked member Brian Donahoe for his continued maintenance of the Association website.

  • If you need to change your email notification address, please send information through the website or contact Julie Wilkins directly.

  • The website address is listed in the front of your CLA directory.

Architectural Review

  • Members were reminded that any new housing construction within CLA requires board plan approval.

Rules and Regulations

  • Current rules and regulations were mailed to all members as required by our bylaws.

  • It was pointed out that we have a catch and release for both northern Pike and Muskie, while we rebuild those lake populations, and no overnight mooring is allowed at the new lake buoys.


  • T. Richter discussed the representational makeup of the security committee’s members, and thanked them for their

  • Service to the Association.

  • Contracted security patrol hours were reviewed, explaining the extended summer hours of patrol and the staggering of some split shifts as needed. Marty Bertrand from Howe Security introduced himself and the other officers working for CLA. Our officers are retired or current Lake County Sheriff’s Department Officers as well as a current Libertyville fireman.

  • They are on duty 8 hours/day through the winter months October through April, will increase coverage to 10 hours/day in May and September, and will provide 12 hours of patrol coverage for the summer months of June, July and August.

  • Members were reminded to call 911 in the case of any emergency.

  • They will monitor the Lake County Sheriff’s Department and Countryside Lake Fire Protection emergency calls while on duty.

  • Members were asked to please abide by the Association rules with respect to boat and car decals, guest parking passes and other rules and regulations concerning the use of common areas.

  • He reminded the members to review the ice fishing rules for the upcoming season. No guests without members present, no tip ups and no minnows anytime will be enforced on the lake this winter.

  • Howe provides a house-watch service, in addition to that provided by the Sheriff’s Department. If you will be out of town for any length of time, please remember to stop mail and paper deliveries, arrange to have your driveway plowed if needed during the winter months, use timers for lighting and set your security systems before leaving.

  • A public safety bulletin concerning ruse burglary/home repair fraud as well as host/parental social responsibility and liability legislation from the state was distributed to the membership.

  • The on duty patrol cell phone number is listed on the front of your CLA directory, if we are not on duty you may leave a message and we will contact you as soon as a patrol officer is back on duty.

  • Again, in any threatening emergency call 911 first.


  • J. Miller commented on the board’s commitment to obtaining legal counsel to be proactive in protecting the interests of the Association by monitoring residential foreclosures, liens, and collection fees. We also rely on legal advice with respect to the enforcement of our rules and regulations, and to assure we are in compliance with state regulation of Homeowners Associations and not for profit organizations.




  • L. Graber moved and M. Aspegren seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting. All in favor, motion carried.