Countryside Lake Association

Mundelein, Illinois 60060

2011 Annual Meeting Minutes

March 21, 2011


BOARD ATTENDANCE: J. Miller, L. Johnson, J. Eifert, S. Parmley , T. Richter, J. Wilkins, L. Jezuit, L. Erickson. Absent: S. Robb Others Present: Capt. Garry Passafiume.

CLA Members and proxies to others present: 37

Proxy to Board: 55

A quorum was met and President John Eifert called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. J. Eifert introduced the board members and their areas of responsibility for the Association.


L. Jezuit moved and T. Caldwell seconded the motion to approve the Secretary’s Report of the October 2010 Semi-Annual meeting as circulated. All in favor, the motion carried.


  • J. Miller reviewed the 2010 fiscal year budget and expenses and discussed the 2011 budget and year -to-date expenses as presented in the report dated March 18, 2011.

Karin Zaun moved and Les Jezuit seconded the motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report. All in favor, the motion carried.


  • John Eifert announced that the terms of 3 Directors positions were expiring and nominations for the 3 year terms were opened the floor. Larry Johnson is retiring from the Board and was thanked for his service to the Board and the Association.

  • President John Eifert and Treasurer Janice Miller both expressed their willingness to stand for election for another term, and were nominated and seconded by Board members J. Wilkins and L. Jezuit. Terry Caldwell was nominated from the floor by Gail Manz, seconded by L. Jezuit, and Lisa Theis was nominated by J. Eifert, seconded by L .Jezuit.

  • Candidates Terry Caldwell and Lisa Theis introduced themselves to the membership and discussed their interest in serving as an Association Board member.

  • The election was held and the ballots tabulated by the board Secretary. Members elected were John Eifert, Janice Miller, and Terry Caldwell. Lisa Theis was thanked for her interest in serving and encouraged to remain active in the community.


Beach & Picnic

  • J. Wilkins reported that the beach season will begin May 28th Memorial Day weekend with life guard coverage from 10:30am to 6 pm daily through the Labor Day weekend.

  • The lifeguard contract has been signed for the same rate as 2010 as reflected in this year’s budget.

  • Appreciation was given to Randy Miller for continued support and help with getting the ropes and raft in and out each season, and to Sean Parmley for maintenance of the beach and picnic areas all year.

  • Thanks were also expressed to Sue Nierman for continuing to handle the scheduling of group party reservations for the beach and picnic area.

  • The IL Public Health Beach 2011 Permit has been submitted and weekly testing of the swim area will be done by Lake County.

  • The installation of a free standing shower unit and repair of the water fountain is scheduled be completed by the opening of the swim season. The hardware has been ordered and received but delays last fall have pushed installation to this spring. Estimated cost for the unit and installation is $6,000.00.

  • J. Butler inquired as to whether the board considered constructing a true bathhouse/restroom facility. J. Wilkins discussed that that such a facility has been considered over the years by prior boards, who have discussed infrastructure issues. The decision to improve the water fountain and install a free standing shower unit with continued use of the existing latrines was based on cost, maintenance and safety as well as keeping the general appearance as undeveloped as possible.

Facilities & Grounds

Sean Parmley reported on the maintenance for association owned areas, and improvements to facilities this year. Highlighted were:

  • Spring clean up has begun and should be completed in 2-3 weeks.

  • Reforestation was done last fall in and around the Conservation Area, thanks to Sharon Anderson for taking on this responsibility.

  • The lights closest to the Beach are in need of repair and the Association will look into retrofitting the existing fixtures with LED lighting with hoods to reduce light pollution, with lower maintenance and reduced operating cost.

  • The dam was inspected fall 2010 and the report was submitted to the IL DNR.

  • As recommended in the inspection report, spillway shrinkage cracks were epoxy injected, rip rap was added to the stilling pool area below the dam outlet, and animal burrows were filled.

  • The spillway culvert under the dam road is in need of repair or replacement. Recommendations and bids will be sought to address the problem.

  • Carolyn Rubel asked and it was answered that no draw down of the lake would be necessary for the culvert work.

  • Dan Liberacki inquired as to the engineering firm used, and the nature of the problems with the culvert. Sean reported that Christopher Burke is the Engineering Firm used and that estimates for re-sleeving to complete replacement have ranged from $30-100,000.00. It was stated that the road surface, evidence of sink holes, and deterioration of the culvert structure itself are why repair/ replacement is recommended.

  • It was reported that split rail fencing is repaired as needed at tennis courts and beach area throughout the year.

Lake Improvement Management

Weeds and Algae

John Eifert reported for Scott Robb.

  • Based on reports from ice fishermen, the lake seems to have a good base of weeds and thus good oxygen levels in the lake over the winter. Because we used of a different herbicide to address curlyleaf pond weed last year, there was a concern that we could have some fish kill over the winter season. It appears this will not be the case.

  • We will return to the use of the herbicide Sonar for the 2011 season, as we have had good success with it in the past and it looks like last year’s efforts were successful in controlling curlyleaf.

  • The question of requested trimming/clearing of downed trees at the inlet to the back bay, to improve the flow into and out of the area, was discussed.


· The largest number of Fish Surveys in years was received this past season. A thank you was extended to all who filled out and returned the forms which help give us a picture of the type of fish members are catching and the health of the lake. The results also guide us in the fish stocking plan which is evaluated each season.

· The strategy for stocking will be adjusted slightly going forward, based on recommendations from our lake management vendor, and will focus on stocking fewer but larger fish. This will result in better value for our money as larger fish have a better survival rate, and although more expensive, it will provide an improved overall fish population.

· Dan Liberacki asked that the results of the Fish Survey be posted on the web site when available.

· James Butler asked about reports of zebra mussels in Countryside Lake. John Eifert explained that a contractor removing pontoon boats from the lake last fall reported observing a limited number of zebra mussels. The issue will be monitored with the upcoming boating season, and hopefully it will not be a recurring issue.

· Gail Manz inquired about the goose population at Countryside Lake, and it was agreed that the large populations often seen wintering over on the ice were not as significant a problem as it has been in past years.


  • No Report

Shoreline Control

  • No Report


  • Sean Parmley reported that Oaks and Viburnum were planted in and around the Lot 16 / Conservation Area and the beach. Janine Walsh inquired about the damage to new plantings by deer, and Sharon Anderson did not expect deer to cause much damage to new plantings.

Water Quality

  • J. Wilkins reported that the storm water monitoring program will continue this season but at a reduced level, with higher storm criteria for sampling at the 3 major stream inlets.

  • The data generated is posted on the web site and The Lakes Department of the County Health Department has continued their monitoring of lake conditions at Countryside Lake for the past 6 years and we hope that they will commit to continue the program this season.

  • Appreciation was given to volunteers Jim Donndelinger who maintains, services, and hauls the sampling units each season, and to Brian Donahoe who maintains the reference CLA weather station site and has provided continued technical support to the monitoring efforts.

  • Dan Liberacki asked if the surrounding golf courses can be contacted and asked to commit to non-Phosphate fertilizer use on their grounds.

Boat Assignments

  • Lee Erickson reported that only 53% of the boats have been updated with the new CLA registration. The membership was reminded that it is their responsibility to register their watercraft with the state of Illinois, and meet all DNR safety requirements as well as comply with CLA rules and regulations.

Dock Maintenance

  • Lee Erickson reported that all the piers at the lagoon and the 2 docks at the beach will be replaced this spring by Shoreline Creations. We will be receiving trade in credit on the existing piers, and docks will be ready for boats by the May 1 deadline.

  • The report of large boulders in the water at the tennis court boat launch was addresses by Sean Parmley who said he would have them removed and the launch area ready by May 1st.

  • The “Danger Spillway” sign will be replaced at the dam this season.

Special Projects

Conservation Area

· Tom Richter discussed the ongoing progress on the restoration of the Countryside Conservation Area-formerly known as lot 16. We accomplished many of our objectives in 2010 with the help of the Watershed Management Board Grant ($10,101.00) and matching funds from our Association.

· Special thanks was given to Sharon and Craig Anderson, Rosemary Aitken and Sidney Czynski for their contributions and leadership, and to all who contributed volunteer hours which exceeded the grant community participation requirement.

· As we enter the 2011 season we have been fortunate enough to again be awarded with a Watershed Management Board grant to continue with maintenance of the area. Activities such as weeding, removal of unwanted plants and trees and burning of brush and deadfall will be undertaken by both a restoration contractor and volunteers. We will plant additional seeds and plugs and continue the establishment of pathways and install educational signs.

· We will again be asking for volunteers to enable us to meet the new grant requirements. Anyone interested in working with the Conservation efforts or to donate funds to purchase additional plantings please contact any board member. If you can provide your email or phone contact information, it will enable us to organize and notify members of volunteer activities.


· Les Jezuit reported that the website is active and can be accessed at www.countrysidelake.org.

· Brian Donahoe provided an overview of the website content and access for members. Brian demonstrated use of the website for sourcing community information, announcements, Association documents, as well as an extensive history of Countryside Lake and the Association. Brian reviewed the content of both the public and private sections of the site, and encouraged members to establish an account for sign in, (the procedure is outlined by clicking on the “members only” heading), and once a member‘s identity is verified, access will be granted.

Architectural Review

· No Report

Rules & Regulations

  • L. Johnson stated that printed copies of the CLA rules and regulations with any changes of existing rules will be distributed with the fall Association mailing and any changes will discussed at the semi-annual meeting.


· Garry Passafiume reviewed the hours and services provided by the CLA security contract for the benefit of new members. He discussed the flexibility of the scheduled hours to accommodate seasonal and incident related needs.

The House Watch Program was reviewed and is available upon request.

· He reported that we did not experience the Halloween mailbox or pumpkin damage as in previous years.

· He discussed the importance of displaying the CLA vehicle stickers and CLA registration stickers and numbers on boats for identification purposes.

· November 15th 2010 there was the report of 2 kayaks floating with no CLA or Illinois identification and we had no way to trace owners, determine the status of persons using the boats, or verify anything about the kayaks.

· A special warning to the presence of “gypsy” crews offering to provide seasonal yard or house maintenance services.

· Do not leave garages or doors unlocked where an individual may enter your residence without your being aware. They usually travel in pairs, and one subject distracts the owner. If they tell you they are from a utility, ask for ID, and you can always confirm by calling the utility company. They often use the false statement about a problem with a neighbor, or other work being done in the neighborhood.

· Do not open your door to anyone you do not know, speak to the through the glass or a storm door, and please advise you children to do the same.

· If you have reason to suspect anyone approaching you or your residence, try to take note of what they are wearing and driving if possible, and report it to the Sheriff’s Office and CLA Security.

· Please secure all doors at the end of the day, including access doors from garages.

· In your absence do not let papers, mail or dry cleaning accumulate, and use the House watch program by notifying security.

· Members were reminded to observe the Illinois leash law and that fines for traffic violations were raised last year to $120.00 minimum. That includes residential speeding and failure to come to a complete stop at a STOP sign.

· Janine Walsh asked about evening boaters, and was advised to notify security concerning the plans or park outside the gates if no guest passes are obtained.

· Members were asked to review the guest pass policy with teenagers, and the rules and regulations concerning use of the beach and picnic areas.


· John Eifert discussed the 2011 budget for legal monitoring of foreclosures, bank sales, and bankruptcy proceedings involving Association properties.

· We are now taking appropriate legal actions to guarantee our best chance to collect outstanding debts. It was discussed that we presently have a collection attorney involved with 5 delinquent member accounts.

· We have also attempted to contact and pressure bank held properties to appropriately maintain and protect vacant residences within the Association.




Les Jezuit moved and Carolyn Rubel seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting. All in favor, motion carried.

Countryside Lake Association

Mundelein, Illinois 60060

2011 Semi- Annual Meeting Minutes

October 17, 2011


BOARD ATTENDANCE: J. Miller, J. Eifert, T. Richter, J. Wilkins, L. Jezuit, L. Erickson.

Absent: S. Parmley, T. Caldwell and S. Robb Also Present: Capt. Garry Passafiume.

CLA Members Present: 32

Proxy to Others: 6

Proxy to Board: 44

A quorum was met and President J. Eifert called the meeting to order at 7:40p.m. Board members and their areas of responsibility were introduced by J. Eifert. New members present, Trevor Greene from W. Lakeview Parkway and Francisco Velasco from W. Hampshire introduced themselves. J. Eifert welcomed them to the community and Association.


Les Jezuit moved and Randy Miller seconded the motion to approve the Secretary’s Report as distributed. All in favor, motion carried.


 J. Miller reviewed the 2011 fiscal year budget and year-to-date expenses.

 Noted was the higher than anticipated income from parcel transfer fees and that 2 of the 12 were bank sales.

Les Jezuit moved and Mary Aspegren seconded the motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report. All in favor, motion carried.


Beach & Picnic

 J. Wilkins reported a good swimming season this year, with reliable guard coverage, and no beach closings.

 The installation of a shower unit and matching new water fountain were completed in time for the season and seemed to be a big hit with both children and adults using the beach.

 The project was approximately $1,000.00 over budget due to the decision to purchase and replace the existing water fountain at the time of plumbing the shower unit.

 It was noted that the funds for this project had been earmarked for several years from proceeds of the party reservation fees.

 The low profile of the 2 units is almost unnoticeable to the beach shoreline.

 Sincere appreciation was given to member Randy Miller who continues to provide assistance with installing and removing the swimming area ropes and raft each season.

Facilities & Grounds

J. Eifert reported on areas of maintenance and repairs/improvements for S. Parmley.

 The annual Dam Inspection has been completed. No repairs are needed this year.

 The port-o-potties were upgraded to include 1 handicap unit at each location, with scheduled twice a week service on Fridays and Mondays from Memorial Day to Labor Day to accommodate the higher weekend use.

 We have initiated the bid process for repair of the culvert below the dam outlet. 3 bids for 3 different possible methods of repair/replacement have been received. We will need to get engineering bids associated with the project and make a choice as to best solution for the deteriorating condition.

Lake Improvement Management

J. Eifert reported on the following areas for S. Robb

Weeds and Algae

 Reports were received from some concerning weed growth in the swimming area, others thought the weather helped provide great conditions through July. August weather conditions did contribute to increased weed growth and some algae bloom. Using treatments to hit the curly-leaf pond weed last year and returning to the use of Sonar this season seemed to be a good combination. It was noted that we will be bidding the weed contract again this year and hope to obtain a 3 year contract which provides us the best approach for planning and response to specific problems as they arise.

Carol Rubel who lives on the Back Bay asked again that the board address issues of weeds and navigation related to the presence of a long fallen tree at the entrance to the area. She feels it is contributing to the accumulation of silt and sand further limiting navigation in and out of the shallow area.


 The fish stocking report distributed was discussed. Noted was the increased budget to allow for largest fish of each species available to be ordered.

 The stocking order changes each year based on request and availability, and is based on input from the fishing committee and the creel survey and trends observed over several years.

 Fishing members are encouraged to complete the fish survey mailed to all members each year, as their opinion does matter.

Environmental – No report

Shoreline Control – No report


 The association has undertaken plantings at the corner intersection of Lakeview Parkway and Countryside Lake Drive adjacent to the Conservation area.

 We also planted an oak tree in the beach picnic area to replace a large one lost during a storm this summer.

Water Monitoring

 J. Wilkins reported that sample monitoring of 3 major inlet streams was continuing this season.

 The storm conditions used for triggering an event sampling were increased resulting in fewer sample testing over the season, while still providing critical event data for long term record keeping.

 The reduced cost of lab analysis of fewer events/samples than previous years is shown by the budget to date number.

 Appreciation was given to volunteer members Jim Donndelinger, who single handedly, keeps all the units operational and facilitates the installation and retrieval of the sampling units each season and to Brian Donahoe for his maintenance of the weather station and data analysis.

Boat Assignments

 L. Erickson reported that we still have many boats without the new decals and registration numbers issued in 2010. He emphasized the importance of members complying with the updated registration, for safety and controlling of the use of our lake.

 Members were reminded to comply with the state registration of all boats and to comply with all safety regulations.

Dock Maintenance

 L. Erickson reported we have been very pleased with the construction of the new piers at the lagoon, and will consider replacement of the tennis court piers in the near future.

 Our security has asked that all boats on the boat storage racks be secured with a lock, to reduce the number of incidents of boats being taken off the racks for joy trips, and often left beached on the shoreline or submerged.

 Members were encouraged to call and check with Lee Erikson to confirm and inquire about their place on the CLA dock wait list. It was also recommended that members consider boat and dock sharing with neighbors or other members to accommodate the greatest number of members wishing to use our lake for fishing and recreation.

Special Projects

Conservation Area

 T. Richter presented an update of the progress made on the Maple Road Conservation Area. Activities have included maintenance of the wetland plantings, selective herbicide applications for invasive species, and seed collection. Educational signs with environmental restoration information have been installed.

 He thanked members who have worked several volunteer days, and reported that a wooden walkway was constructed for the low areas of the woodchip path.

 Re-usable signs have been made to announce volunteer work days and will be posted in the neighborhoods to increase awareness and participation. It was also noted that donations both monetary and in kind plantings from the membership are welcome. T. Richter would be happy to speak with anyone concerning those possibilities.

 Special thanks were given to the Sharon and Craig Anderson and to Rosemary Aitkin for their leadership on the stewardship grant and their dedication to the restoration project.


 L. Jezuit discussed the launch of the new CLA website last March, encouraged all members to sign in and take advantage of the announcements, calendar, boats for sale, lake and weather data and access to the extensive CLA History that has been added.

 Special thanks to Brian Donahoe for his dedication and effort to establish and maintain the site for the association.

 L. Jezuit welcomed feedback and suggestions, and hopes members will take advantage of the resource.

Rules & Regulations

 It was reported that there have been no changes this year to the CLA rules and regulations. A copy of current rules and regulations has been distributed to the membership as required by our By-laws.


T. Richter commented on the current job description for the security patrol of the Countryside Lake Association area.

Captain Garry Passafiume provided the following report to the membership

 Review of flexible 8 and 10 hour patrol hours, cell number for on duty contact, and the house watch program.

 Reminder to members that they need to contact the utility and report their address for power outages. Utility and service listing can be found on the back of the CLA directory.

 Approximately 14 mailboxes were damaged or pulled out last June, and Captain Passafiume encouraged all members to report any incidents or suspicious activity.

 In July there were 2 reported thefts from unlocked vehicles parked in driveways. Please remember to remove all valuables, computers, I-pods, phones, portable GPS and cash, and lock cars overnight. We have also had reported theft of items from moored pontoon boats.

 August 12th, a CLA resident was a victim of a “ruse” burglary, which occurred about 3:30 pm and was reported to security at 4:30. The subject identified himself as a Com Ed employee and asked the homeowner to walk to the back of the property to show her where work would be needed to install a new electric box due to repeated power outages. When asked for his ID, he stated it was in the van parked down the road and would provide it later. While the homeowner was out of the house, two additional subjects entered the residence and stole jewelry and cash.

Captain Passafiume discussed the incidence of such ruse burglaries in Lake and surrounding counties. He cited often used excuses and story lines and asked all members to be particularly careful about anyone approaching your home. He advised members to keep all entrances secured, so 2nd parties cannot enter if you are distracted. If you feel that you may have been a victim, please call 911 immediately, and be prepared to provide a vehicle description and license plate if possible. A periodical reprint titled “13 Things Your Burglar Won’t Tell You” was distributed and discussed with the membership

 August 16th, Countryside Fire Department responded to a CLA resident choking. The 2 firemen were later honored by the Department for saving the patient’s life.

 August 18th , security and the Sheriff’s department responded to a report of a person dressed in black, lying in a ditch along Countryside Lake Drive. Area was checked and walked extensively, no person found.

 Sept 2nd, a stolen CLA member’s golf cart was recovered from the lake, 2 mailboxes were found damaged associated with the cart theft.

 Captain Passafiume has received reports of golf carts being driven down our roadways after dark without lights, a severe safety risk, and reminded members that golf carts and unlicensed ATV’s are not allowed on streets within CLA

 Mary Aspegren commented on the traffic incident of a car striking a person walking a dog in the Steeple Chase neighborhood and asked members to please be alert and aware of pedestrians and people using the bike lanes with in our neighborhood.

 Harriet Donndelinger thanked Garry for following her and her daughter who were slowly driving around the neighborhood after dark one evening having gone out for ice cream, not realizing that their activities might appear suspicious. She appreciated his taking the initiative to follow up and question their activities upon pulling into a driveway, and a good laugh was had by all 3 for being busted for going out for ice cream.


John Eifert commented on the budgeted and legal costs shown on the Treasurers report. It was commented that costs are related to the Association monitoring foreclosure and bankruptcies, as well as requests for legal advice concerning correct and fair administration and enforcement of our rules and regulations.




R. Miller moved and C. Rubel seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting. All in favor, motion carried.