Countryside Lake Association

Mundelein, Illinois 60060

2009 Annual Meeting Minutes

March 16, 2009

Prior to the meeting the following guest speakers addressed the membership:

Fremont Township Supervisor Pete Tekampe – Supervisor Tekampe reviewed the work completed on Behm Homestead Park located on Peterson Rd. just east of Rt. 60. The park is comprised of 20 acres with ball fields, walking paths and exercise stations along the trails. The exercise stations are geared toward adults but can also be easily used by older children and senior citizens. The park will be dedicated in May and should be open for public use by August, 2009.

CLA Member Shawn Killackey – Shawn spoke regarding the Village of Mundelein Centennial celebration. Activities will be held throughout the summer to celebrate the Village’s 100th birthday. There is a link on the CLA Website which leads to the Centennial Website. Check this link for further information.


BOARD ATTENDANCE: J. Buslik, L. Johnson, D. Liberacki, C. McCann, T. Richter, J. Wilkins,

Absent: C. Arendt, J. Eifert, and S. Parmley. Others Present: Capt. Garry Passafiume.

CLA Members Present: 33

Proxy to Others: 6

Proxy to Board: 58

  • A quorum was met and President Dan Liberacki called the meeting to order at 7:43 p.m. Board members were introduced and new CLA members were asked to introduce themselves to the membership. D. Liberacki announced that three current board members were retiring including, Chris Arendt, Chris McCann and Dan Liberacki.


Lee Graber moved and Sharon Anderson seconded the motion to approve the Secretary’s Report. All in favor, motion carried.


  • J. Buslik reviewed the 2009 fiscal year budget and year-to-date expenses. A member asked the process regarding delinquent member dues. It was explained that an attorney is used to file liens and that ultimately money is collected for all liens.

Freddie Flaks moved and Lee Graber seconded the motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report. All in favor, motion carried.


  • Lee Erickson, Les Jeszuit and Scott Robb were nominated from the floor to fill three vacant positions on the CLA Board of Directors. There were no other nominations.

Lee Graber moved and Randy Miller seconded the motion to elect Lee Erickson, Les Jezuit and Scott Robb to the CLA Board. All in favor, motion carried.


Beach & Picnic

  • J. Wilkins reported that the beach opens on May 23rd and that lifeguards will be on duty. Improvements are being explored for the community shower at the beach. Sand will be delivered prior to the beach opening. A member asked if an extra pile of sand could be left at the beach for children to play in and to be used to fill in sand around the concrete pad of the shower/drinking fountain as need be. Gail Manz warned about leaving large piles of sand because in the past children would make tunnels.

Facilities & Grounds

  • S. Parmley was unable to attend, however T. Richter reported in his absence that bulbs have been replaced in all overhead lights at the common areas. Broken parking stops have been removed from the beach parking area. The Dam Committee has been working on an EAP plan. Inspections at the dam show that some areas need repairs including the fabric form, spillway, core wall cracks and rip rap.

Lake Improvement Management

Weed & Algae

  • C. Arendt was unable to attend. D. Liberacki reported in his absence. The weed treatment program continues to be along the same lines as last year. Sonar is applied in late March and early April. After the sonar treatments have finished, copper sulfate is used to moderate weed and algae growth.


  • New fishing flags were issued for ice fishing this year. Non-members were found ice fishing on the lake without being accompanied by CLA members. This is in violation of the CLA Rules and Regulations. The lake was stocked with a variety of fish species last fall. The same amount is budgeted for fish stocking this year.


  • No Report

Shoreline Control

  • Any work done within the CLA shoreline easement must be approved by the Board prior to work commencing. Signage for the Lagoon/Peninsula project has been installed. The signs provide educational information regarding the project’s purpose and long-term effects on lake water quality. Ongoing maintenance will continue to protect installed plantings and shoreline stabilization.


  • Money in this budget line item is used to purchase new trees and shrubs and to maintain trees and shrubs that have been planted at the common areas.

Water Quality

  • J. Wilkins reported that she is still continuing work required as part of the Illinois 319 grant for water quality and storm water runoff. CLA data from this project will go into a statewide database. Julie thanked the volunteers who have been helping with the effort including, Jim Donndelinger, Brian Donahoe and Sidney Czynski. She also volunteered to mentor young adults interested in the project. The Lake County Lakes Management Unit has been conducting an ongoing monitoring on our lake for five years. At the completion of the project a large report will be compiled and published. Discussion was held regarding the sewage treatment system at the Hawthorn Woods Country Club and the potential for e-coli in the lake. Reports of e-Coli are monitored by Lake County Health Department. Water quality testing done through CLA does not have the potential to monitor e-coli, however if e-coli contamination is suspected the Water Quality Committee follows through with Lake County.

Boat Assignments

  • John Eifert was unable to attend. T. Richter and D. Liberacki reported that there was some ice damage to the docks near the tennis courts. The spillway side appears to be O.K. There was some shifting of the docks at the lagoon/peninsula docks. There is a not a lot of hard damage but adjustments will have to be made due to resettling. Repairs and adjustments will be made over the next two weeks. There have been some concerns about the stability of the new docks installed on the lagoon side. McHenry Piers has been hired to stabilize the piers.

  • Lengthy discussion was held regarding DNR regulations and their impact on CLA boaters. CLA boaters are required to display State boating decals on the bow of the boat. CLA decals should be displayed on the middle of the boat since only State decals should be affixed to the bow of the boat. The DNR has the authority to enter the lake at any time and to board any boat on the lake for inspection and fishing licenses. DNR conservation police officers have all the same powers vested to police men with the exception that they may exercise their powers anywhere in the State.

Dock Maintenance

· See Boat Assignments

Special Projects

Lot 16

· T. Richter reported that there has been no activity since the Semi-Annual Meeting held in October. The line item in the budget is for general clean-up of the lot, grading of the promontory point and funding a basic concept plan for the project. Drew Hupp asked what the relationship was between private funds originally donated for the project and now an allocation of CLA general operating budget funds. It was explained that the scope of work required to do the project right has surpassed the amount of funds donated by private residents. Discussion was held regarding how the remainder of the project should be funded. It was suggested that grant funds be sought to complete work on the site.

Lake Book

· J. Buslik reported that the book has been completed and that distribution is underway. Enough books were published to provide one book per CLA household. Additional books can be purchased for $25.00 each.


· C. McCann reported that the website is active and can be accessed at www.countrysidelake.org. The Association is currently paying someone to maintain and update the site. If there are any volunteers who can help with maintenance they should contact the CLA Board.


· C. McCann reported that she met with representatives from EPA and Storm water Management to review the status of the project. There are no new grants being sought at this time.

Architectural Review

· No Report

Rules & Regulations

· No Report.


· The specifics regarding a nearby burglary at Gilmer Rd. and Route 83 were discussed. On two different occasions individuals were witnessed entering and exiting the property. Capt. Passafiume stressed that residents should lock their doors at all times, even if they are working in their backyard or elsewhere on their property.


· D. Liberacki reported that the settlement check from Toll Brothers was received on January 15th. Otherwise it has been a fairly quiet.




Lee Graber moved and Andy Zych seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:18 p.m. All in favor, motion carried.

Countryside Lake Association

Mundelein, Illinois 60060

2009 Semi- Annual Meeting Minutes

October 19, 2009

Prior to the meeting the following guest speakers addressed the membership:

Bill Grinnell, Fremont Township Highway Department Supervisor

Diana O’Kelly, Lake County Board Member

Ed Sullivan, Illinois State Representative and Fremont Township Tax Assessor


BOARD ATTENDANCE: J. Miller, L. Johnson, J. Eifert, S. Robb, T. Richter, J. Wilkins, S. Parmley, L. Jezuit, L. Ericson. Others Present: Capt. Garry Passafiume.

CLA Members Present: 30

Proxy to Others: 2

Proxy to Board: 40

A quorum was met and President J. Eifert called the meeting to order at 7:45 p.m. Board members were introduced and J. Eifert proposed that the first item to be discussed for the evenings meeting would be the repairs being done on the dam spillway, the current lake water level, and the problem that has presented to boat owners.

Lake Water Level and Dam Repairs

J. Eifert provided an overview of the necessity for dam repairs to be addressed this year for our state inspection, and the scheduling of work to coincide with low lake water levels normally experienced in late summer and early fall. It was explained that the plan initially called for a necessary lake level 8-10 inches from the dam spillway crest for the concrete work, crack filling, and resurfacing of the spillway.

The decision was made to install one of the siphon columns to initiate the lake draw down to allow for scheduled work to begin. This is a system designed and purchased a number of years ago (but never tested), required by the state as part of an Emergency Action Plan, in the event of a dam breach or extreme flooding. The engineering firm which designed and built the siphon system supervised the installation and operation of the siphon and we monitored the flow rate and the lake level daily from the start of the draw down.

Inspection of the dam crest and discovery of the scope of the repairs necessary required the continued draw down to 14 inches which is expected to be achieved in the next 2 days. It was noted that the lake level is currently down more than 12 inches and pontoon and other boats are successfully being removed from the lake at this level by both members and marina services. The board does acknowledge that this may present problems to other boat owners and has identified the following resources to assist members in freeing boats if stuck.

  • CLA will extend the deadline to remove boats from the lake to November 15th to allow for the completion of the dam repair, and the natural rise of the lake level over the next month.

  • Any open CLA rental piers will be available to shore owners to move their boats to, until removal can be scheduled.

  • Manpower can be arranged to physically assist in the freeing of any grounded boat to deeper water. CLA will assume labor cost and can schedule assistance with a day’s notice from a member.

  • Wauconda Boats has agreed to be available the 2nd week of November if needed to help pull and tow any boats still grounded to either an open pier or the launch area for removal. CLA will assume cost of the tow.

  • John Eifert will handle the requests, scheduling, and remedy needed on a case by case basis. A letter to all registered boat owners will be sent to notify them of the lake level situation and the remedies available to them.

John expressed apology for the inconvenience the situation has presented to boat owners and that there was not better communication from the board to both boat owners and shoreline residents concerning the lake level draw down.

Sean Parmley discussed the dam repairs necessary to have the dam meet yearly inspection requirements. The use of the siphon system now tested, has proven to be able to successfully draw down the lake level as required by the Emergency Action Plan.

Comments below from members were addressed by the board.

Carolyn Rubel said that last Tuesday their pontoon boat was stuck in the back bay, in the mud and thought CLA owed them repair costs for not having notified them of the anticipated low lake levels.

Rosemary Aitken asked whether the siphon could be left on and shoreline work could be undertaken during this time.

Jim Butler also commented that significant shoreline dredging and restoration could be undertaken with the ability to draw down the lake level now, or in the future. It was discussed that the siphon was not designed for a permanent installation, but its future use is certainly a possibility.

Janine Walsh inquired as to whether the low lake levels will have any effect on the fish population. Scott Robb reported that there would be a scheduled electroshock fish inventory done this fall. He stated that he did not expect the relatively brief change in depth to significantly affect the fish during the time frame of the draw down and repair work.

Brian Donahoe commented on the ability to control lake level, the affect it can have on the shoreline and the possibility of improvement and restoration work with low lake levels.


Sidney Czynski requested a spelling correction of her name in the March 16, 2009 annual meeting minutes as circulated. No other corrections or additions were requested from the membership.

Sidney Czynski moved and Sharon Anderson seconded the motion to approve the Secretary’s Report as corrected. All in favor, motion carried.


  • J. Miller reviewed the 2009 fiscal year budget and year-to-date expenses.

Gordon Smith moved and Karen Zaun seconded the motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report. All in favor, motion carried.


Beach & Picnic

  • J. Wilkins reported that the beach season was without any major issues. We had responsible life guarding coverage, and will budget and contract for similar hours, Memorial to Labor Day, for the 2010 season. No major improvements were undertaken this year but the board is still hoping to use accumulated funds to improve the water fountain plumbing and install a cold shower unit.

  • Appreciation was expressed to Sean Parmley for the landscape improvements to the picnic and parking areas and the overall maintenance of the common areas for the beach and lagoon boat access.

  • J. Eifert thanked those volunteers who continue to provide wonderful activities to the members and especially the children in the Association such as the Fishing Derby, the 4th of July parade, and the family Beach Bash.

Facilities & Grounds

S. Parmley reported on areas of maintenance and repairs/improvements for the association owned properties undertaken this season.

  • The purchase and grading of additional sand for the beach area, as well as improvements to the lagoon picnic grass areas.

  • Beach road gravel additions and re-grading needed after seasonal plowing and runoff damage, as well as additional improvements to define parking areas.

  • Rebuilding of existing boat racks as needed, and landscape needs apart from the seasonal mowing contract.

  • Repairs to the dam, spillway and settling pool as previously discussed at the beginning of the semi-annual meeting.

Lake Improvement Management

Weeds and Algae

  • S. Robb reported on the significant problem with curly-leaf weed overgrowth due to the cool weather this summer. Additional herbicide treatments were done this year especially in boating channels. Similar treatment modifications will be included in next year’s contract plan.


  • Those fishing Countryside Lake were encouraged to complete and return the fish survey mailed to all members. It was emphasized that the information from the surveys, as well as the results for a scheduled electroshock fish survey, will be the basis for developing an appropriate fish stocking program and a healthy fish environment for our lake.

  • It was announced that the fish stocking for 2009 would be at the same level and ratio as last year, but would be done by a different supplier who gave us a better price for requested stock.

  • B. Donahoe questioned if continued low lake levels might present a threat to the fall stocking efforts. S Robb commented that this had been discussed with the supplier and that no impact was anticipated due to the size and volume of our lake.

  • Additional questions concerning the stocking of Muskie, channel cats, and the current pike population were raised by J. Butler, as well as a question of whether the white sterile grass carp introduced some years ago were still present in the lake. S. Robb commented on anecdotal reports but hoped to provide solid data concerning all species populations with the evaluation of the fish surveys and the electroshock inventory.

  • It was announced that John Eifert will continue to be the contact person for the distribution and registration of the new ice fishing flags which were displayed to the membership. It was pointed out that the rules pertaining to ice fishing are now printed on the flag itself, which must be displayed with a CLA member present when ice fishing this winter.


  • No Report

Shoreline Control

  • No Report


  • It was reported that some of this budget line item has been dedicated to plantings for Lot 16 –Conservation Area as well as replacement trees for the beach area.

Water Quality

  • J. Wilkins reported that the storm water monitoring program supported by the Illinois EPA 319 grant has been completed and that the final report for reimbursement is being prepared by Sidney Czynski for submission. Inlet water monitoring will continue, but the scope and requested support of the project will be presented to the board for approval. Appreciation was given to Jim Donndelinger, Brian Donahoe, Sidney Czynski, and others who have supported our efforts to protect our watershed and lake.

  • Rosemary Aitken suggested that the Association look into coordinating our stream water monitoring, lake oxygen level determinations monitored at the time of weed treatments, with the clarity measurements that she and Bud Furch have been providing for a number of years to the Northern Illinois Lake Management monitoring program. Brian Donahoe volunteered to source the lake monitoring program data and incorporate it into the water quality data and determine the best repository of the information in addition to our own archives, which he maintains.

Boat Assignments

  • Lee Erickson announced that new registration will be required for all boats on Countryside Lake starting with the 2010 season. New boat decals, ID numbers and instructions, will be issued upon receipt of the registration form that will be mailed to all current boat owners at the end of the year. This will allow for the long needed updating of boat registration as well as the assignment of storage rack locations.

Dock Maintenance

  • Lee Erickson reported that leveling, stabilization and any other needed repairs to the boat docks will be assessed after the winter ice season.

Special Projects

Conservation Area

· T. Richter presented a site plan for the Maple Road (lot 16) parcel owned by the Association, and acknowledged the contribution made by Bud Furch in moving this project to the stage of ecological restoration after many years.

· Accomplishments this year have included the placement of shelf rock defining “a promontory point” which overlooks a large seasonal wetland area. A volunteer day dedicated to brush and deadfall cleanup and burning, and herbicidal treatments for the control of invasive plants.

· Thanks were given to both Sharon Anderson and Jim Esperson for access to the donation of many woodland transplants, including hostas, ferns, Virginia bluebells and trilliums. Saplings and bushes to define and restore the upland area as well as grass land seed have been arranged for, or have already been planted this season.

· Woodchip paths have been created to encourage use and appreciation of the restoration and plantings.

· Janine Walsh requested that the plans for restoration be sensitive to song bird habitat.

· T. Richter also announced that a grant proposal to the Lake County Storm water Management will be submitted to help support the effort to improve and restore the wetland area.


· Les Jezuit reported that the website is active and can be accessed at www.countrysidelake.org. The password has been made much more user friendly and is “CLAhomeowner”.

· Plans are to expand the website to include links to environmental and governmental agencies, and an extensive history of the Countryside Lake Association that has been created. Brian and Debbie Donahoe have volunteered to help expand and maintain the website.

· The use of an email broadcast system for CLA announcements and information will be investigated with the goal of allowing those interested in participating, to sign on to a secure mailing list.

Architectural Review

· Larry Johnson reminded members who fall under the CHA regulations need to submit plans for decks and home additions to the board for approval.

Rules & Regulations

· Larry Johnson announced that copies of the current 2009/2010 rules and regulations have been mailed to all members.


· T. Richter reviewed some of the contract specifications concerning our security patrol. The patrol hours are variable and represent 8-10 hours /day with the additional hours being utilized during the summer season as well as the midwinter holiday season.

· Captain Garry Passafiume reviewed the house watch program for members planning to be out of town, reminded members to use single side guest parking on neighborhood streets when needed. Also reviewed were placement of CLA car stickers on lower left driver’s side windshield, and the enforcement of pet leash laws. He reminded members that ATV’s are not permitted on roadways.

· Issues concerning vandalism to mailboxes and property were discussed, and Captain Passafiume made it clear that if and when area youth are identified with respect to incidents of vandalism, they are referred to the County Sheriff’s department.

· Captain Passafiume also requested members and guests remove valuables and lock car doors in parking areas and driveways, abide by the ice fishing rules, display an ice fishing flag and that a member must be present while guests are ice fishing.

· Reminded members to change the battery in their fire and carbon monoxide house alarms.

· He strongly encouraged members that if you even suspect that you have sustained a lightning strike to immediately call the Countryside Fire Department. He praised their response time and commitment to serving Countryside Lake for both fire and rescue services and advised do not hesitate to call in the event of any emergency.

· A question from the membership concerning door to door solicitation was addressed by Captain Passafiume.

There is no license required to solicit door to door in Fremont Township. He advised members to post “no solicitation” directives and encouraged you to call security or the sheriff’s department if you experience any incident that is uncomfortable or threatening.


· John Eifert reported that no legal matters are pending before the board at this time



· Rosemary Aitken commented that she hoped that the board would continue financial support of the fishing derby event, and increase the funding based on the level of volunteers and participation.

· New member Patrick Johnston from Chevy Chase Road was introduced and welcomed by the board and the association.


Andrew Zych moved and Randy Miller seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:45 p.m. All in favor, motion carried.