Countryside Lake Association

Mundelein, Illinois 60060

Annual Meeting Minutes

March 17, 2008

CLA President Dan Liberacki called the meeting to order at 7:40 P.M.

BOARD ATTENDANCE: C. Arendt, S. Czynski, D. Liberacki, S. Parmley, T. Richter, J. Wilkins.

Absent: J. Buslik, T. Caldwell, and C. McCann.

A quorum was met with 29 members present, 61 proxies to the Board and 4 proxies to others.

  • CLA President Dan Liberacki introduced the CLA Board members and their respective duties.


A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes of the 2007 Semi-Annual Meeting. All in favor, motion carried.


A copy of the 2008 CLA Budget was distributed to the membership and reviewed.


  • President Dan Liberacki announced that nominations for three 3-year terms were open to the floor. Dan explained that the terms of Janice Buslik, Terry Caldwell and Sidney Czynski are expiring. Terry Caldwell and Sydney Czynski are retiring from the Board. Janice Buslik has stated that she will seek another term.

  • Terry Caldwell and Sidney Czynski were acknowledged and thanked for their service on the Board.

  • CLA members Janice Buslik, John Eifert and Larry Johnson were nominated and elected by the membership to fill open terms on the Board.


Beach & Picnic

  • Lake County recently completed the replacement of an underground water main which extended down Maple Road, across the beach area and to the fire hydrant at the entrance to the peninsula. The project, which started last fall, had the area torn up over the winter. The County will fully restore the area to its pre-construction condition.

  • Further clean up of the beach and picnic area will occur over May in preparation for the season opener on Memorial Day weekend.

Facilities & Grounds

  • A committee has been formed to develop an Emergency Action Plan for the CLA dam. The status of current facility projects was reviewed for the membership.

Lot 16

  • Work continues on the parcel to clear invasive vegetation and to clear the way for the installation of wood chip walking paths. Plans include the installation of native specie plants, shrubs and trees. A volunteer spring clean-up day will be scheduled.

Lake Improvement Management

Weed & Algae

  • The lake will be treated for weeds and algae over the spring and summer months. Notification signs will continue to be posted on days of treatment.

Fish & Wildlife

  • Members were reminded that fishing is for the enjoyment of all members and their families. The lake is periodically stocked with game fish. It is the responsibility of each member to remind an authorized guest not to abuse the fishing privileges. A valid State of Illinois fishing license is required of CLA members and/or guest fishing on Countryside Lake. No live minnow bait or rusty crawfish may be used on Countryside Lake. Daily catch and size limits are posted on signs at the lagoon/peninsula area and the boat launch near the tennis courts.


  • A variety of shrubs and trees have been planted during the past year at common areas in the Association.

Lagoon/Peninsula Project

  • The Lagoon/Peninsula Project is essentially complete. Last year’s progress included the installation of ledge rock and boulders, coir log installation, shore area planting and seeding, new docks and restoration to grass areas. Remaining work includes 4 to 5 informational and educational signs to be installed around the project area. Maintenance of the areas will continue to be an ongoing activity. Plans are to have the area ready for opening season in May. Landscape fencing that outlines the planting areas will remain up this year to protect another year of growth. Overall the project went well, objectives were met and expenses came in on budget.


  • No Report.

Shoreline Control

  • Members were reminded that plans for all shoreline work must be submitted to and approved by the CLA Board prior to commencement of work.

Water Quality

  • Various inlets to the lake and dam outflow will continue to be monitored during the warm weather season.


  • There is a waiting list for pontoon boat rental piers. Only boats owned by members in good standing are allowed on the lake and must carry a State of Illinois registration number and two Countryside Lake decals supplied by the CLA Director leading boat assignments. Unidentified boats will be removed from the lake and shore area.

Dock Maintenance

  • We are experiencing a severe winter. The lake has had as much as 18 inches of ice, causing damage to the pontoon boat docks at the boat launch area. Repairs will be made to the docks in the spring. The lagoon and peninsula pontoon boat docks appear to have held up well over the winter and minor repairs will be made as needed.

Architectural Review

  • Plans for new home construction must be submitted to and approved by the CLA Board prior to commencement of construction.

Rules & Regulations

  • The current Rules and Regulations were mailed to all members in October of 2007.


  • CLA security services were reviewed for those present. Members were reminded to display CLA vehicle decals on all member owned vehicles. The decals help CLA security to determine who is a member and who is not.


  • Dan Liberacki reviewed the status of the Illinois Attorney General’s complaint filed against Toll Brothers.

    • Earlier this year the State and Toll reached agreement on the terms of a settlement. The key terms are that Toll will pay a civil penalty which is divided between a $110,000 monetary payment and a $100,000 supplemental environmental project (SEP). The $110,000 monetary penalty is payable as follows: $80,000 to the IEPA and $30,000 to Lake County. The SEP is for the total amount of $100,000 to be paid to the CLA. The settlement terms will require Toll to comply with the terms of its existing stormwater permit, including the stormwater pollution prevention plan that is a requirement of that permit. The settlement terms do not require Toll to conduct any corrective action or remedial action work in either Indian Creek or Countryside Lake to remove or mitigate any sediments that were released in violation of its stormwater permit. The Attorney General’s office advised that Toll Brothers had vigorously opposed any efforts by the Attorney General to demand any study or corrective action regarding the past releases to Indian Creek by Toll. As of last Friday, the Attorney General is blaming Toll for very slow turn around of its review of the drafts of the Consent Order (i.e., settlement agreement). At present, the State is waiting and has been for weeks for Toll's comments on the latest drafts. The State contends that Toll has multiple layers of review of each draft and keeps changing phrases/language. However, the State advises that the basic terms of the settlement agreement have not changed.

  • As of last Friday, the State confirmed that they do not need any further information from CLA and re-confirmed that the $100,000 SEP check will go to CLA. The timing of when we receive this settlement is not yet known. The State hopes that whatever comments on the latest draft Consent Order they receive from Toll will be the last and they can proceed to finalize the settlement for signature by the parties and presentation to the court to enter it receive its $100,000 check.

  • Dan reminded the membership that continued vigilance of any noncompliance by Toll is totally discretionary on the part of the CLA. There is no requirement that we do so under the terms of the SEP or the settlement generally. We will continue to monitor Toll's activities, and we’ll follow the same process we have in the past. If a release of sediment/run-off is observed from the Toll Property, then we’ll take photos and samples of Indian Creek for analyses. We’d then send that information along with a narrative summary of the subject incident to both the IEPA and the Attorney General’s Office along with a demand that action be taken to stop the Toll Brothers non-compliant activity that is causing the release. If the IEPA and the Illinois Attorney General believe that the evidence provided by the CLA shows noncompliance by Toll Brothers, they can take steps to enforce against the activity, such as by issuing a demand to Toll Brothers to cease the activity and/or by filing a motion with the court to order Toll Brothers to cease and desist, including but not limited to demanding additional penalties. However, both the IEPA and the Illinois Attorney General typically just issue a notice letter to Toll Brothers demanding it cease the noncompliant activity. It is rare that either entity will seek the court's intervention although it could occur if there are repeated instances of noncompliance documented by the CLA.

  • Dan expressed that he is not entirely happy with the outcome of the settlement. Although $100.000 is better than nothing, it’s disappointing that the State will not pursue remedial action for Indian Creek and our lake. More important than the settlement is the fact that CLA mitigated a lot more damage that could have occurred if not for the combined efforts of those involved. At this time, that money is targeted to cover CLA’s costs of the L/P shoreline improvement project. We’ll continue to monitor what’s coming downstream, and we’ll keep the association updated.






  • A motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 9:20 p.m. All in favor, motion carried.

Countryside Lake Association

Mundelein, Illinois 60060

Semi-Annual Meeting Minutes

October 20, 2008


  • Lake County Board Member, Diana O’Kelly, reported on a variety of local issues including the Hawley Road project. The tunnel constructed to allow cart access from Grand Dominion to the Countryside Golf Course is currently under construction and will be open for use in the spring of 2009. A light will be installed at the intersection of Chevy Chase and Hawley Rd., and should be completed in 2009.

  • Fremont Township Assessor, Ed Sullivan, Jr. reported that property tax assessment notices will be received within the next few weeks. Mr. Sullivan explained that property assessments may increase although home values have been dropping. He said that assessments are based on a variety of factors including sales statistics from the previous three years, 2005, 2006 and 2007. He explained that foreclosure data is not typically taken into consideration when determining property assessments. The property tax appeal process was also explained.

CLA President Dan Liberacki called the meeting to order at 7:20 P.M.

BOARD ATTENDANCE: C. Arendt, J. Buslik, J. Eifert, L. Johnson, D. Liberacki, C. McCann, S. Parmley,

J. Wilkins Absent: T. Richter Others Present: Capt. Passafiume.

  • President Liberacki reported that a quorum was met with the following attendance figures:

27 members present

43 proxies to the Board

3 proxies to others

  • New CLA member, Tom Rada, was introduced and welcomed to the Association.


Lee Graber moved and S. Czynski seconded the motion to approve the minutes of the 2008 Annual meeting, All in favor, motion carried.


S. Czynski moved and Lee Graber seconded the motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report. All in favor, motion carried.


Beach & Picnic

  • J. Wilkins reported on multiple improvements to the picnic facility including the addition of new recycled picnic tables, grills and trash cans. In addition, existing picnic tables and benches were refinished. Two new trash cans with lids are missing from the area. Landscaping improvements were made to separate the parking area from the sand area. New buoys and ropes were purchased for the beach swimming area. One of the playground riding ponies is broken and will be repaired as soon as an adequate replacement is located.

  • Planned improvements for next season include repairs to the shower/faucet facility to eliminate problems with corrosion of the unit and the sand surrounding the cement slab.

  • The beach swimming area was closed one time this summer, as were several other local swimming areas, due to e-coli contamination from large rain storms.

  • Vince Massee inquired whether the Board has given any thought to the construction of permanent bathroom and shower facilities at the beach. D. Liberacki responded that the subject has been discussed, but overall Board sentiment at the time did not lean toward supporting such a facility due to maintenance concerns. Mary Aspergren stated that she doesn’t see the need since portable toilets and the current shower have worked for years. Discussion continued with several members sharing their opinions for and against installation of permanent facilities. Colleen Liberacki suggested that a committee be formed to explore the logistics and expense of having a permanent facility.

Facilities & Grounds

  • Sean Parmley reported that a variety of repairs and improvements have been made to the Association’s common areas.

  • The road at the beach was re-graded and additional sand was put on the beach.

  • A committee was formed to research and form an Emergency Action Plan for the Association dam. The Committee is looking for direction from the County and State prior to organizing the plan. The current plan needs to be updated to meet modern standards and requirements. As part of the process the dam and spillway have recently been evaluated by an engineering firm using ultrasonic and acoustic equipment, the culvert by the road and the fabric form have also been evaluated. Results show repair will be necessary.


  • Sidney Czynski and Sharon Anderson volunteered and have planted new trees throughout the Association common areas. Types of trees planted included, Red Maple, Autumn Blaze, Bald Cypress and Swamp White Oak.

Lake Improvement Management

Weed and Algae

  • Chris Arendt reported that we are currently in year one of a new three year contract with McCloud. The lake is treated from April to October. Chris stated he is very satisfied with the quality of McCloud’s work.


  • The lake was stocked this fall with a variety of fish. The Fishing Committee researched prior fish surveys and other criteria before selecting the best type of fish to stock. We have a healthy fish population and will continue to as long as we continue to practice catch and release and monitor the health and fish species population in the lake.

  • New ice fishing flags have been ordered to replace the old ones. All ice fishers must contact John Eifert to obtain new flags for fishing this year. Old flags will no longer be considered valid.


  • No Report.

Water Quality

  • Julie Wilkins reported that monitoring continues at the Indian Creek inlet and the smaller tributaries feeding the lake as well as the dam outflow. There have been 16 events so far this year, twice as many by this time last year. The criteria are based on storm/rain accumulation as monitored by the weather station on Countryside Lake. Samples are collected and then sent for testing. Compiled data is then reported to a State database in conjunction with the grant reporting requirements. The Committee is currently working under year one of a two year 40/60 grant from the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency. The grant will provide some reimbursement for volunteer hours, equipment and technical support.

  • Julie Wilkins stated that Jim Donndelinger has been a dedicated volunteer assisting the program by automating and maintain our sampling units. Brian Donahoe provides the weather station and data support. Sidney Czynski has assisted in collection of samples as well as providing reports and documentation for grant reports. The Board acknowledged the hard work and commitment on the part of Julie Wilkins to continue overseeing the Project.

  • Jeff Butler asked if there was any information about the fish kill that affected the lake this summer. Chris Arendt explained that the Crappie kill was a virus due to natural, biological conditions. A range of lakes throughout the Midwest were also affected by the kill. There was no evidence that the kill was caused by our weed/algae treatment program. There was additional discussion as to whether the kill may have been due to outside viruses brought into the lake from boaters who fail to wash their boats prior to launching into Countryside Lake. Jeff Butler expressed concern that he has witnessed even IDNR boats put into the lake without being washed.

Shoreline Control

  • Chris Arendt reported that only two shoreline projects were done this year. Everyone has been in compliance with CLA regulations.

Boat Assignments

  • John Eifert reported that there has been no movement on the pontoon pier rental waiting list; however several boat racks are available for rowboats and canoes. The boat racks are in decent shape but do require ongoing repairs.

  • All rental pier boats must be removed from the lake by November 1st.

  • Discussion was held as to whether IDNR and CLA decals are required on CLA boats. Jeff Butler said he has been told by IDNR that if private decals are required, those numbers can be reported to the State and be used in the place of DNR decals. John Eifert will investigate the matter and report to the Board.

Dock Maintenance

  • John Eifert reported that six new pontoon piers have been installed to the right of the boat launch ramp near the tennis courts. A new walk to the piers was also installed.

  • Modifications will be made to the new lagoon piers in an effort to provide better stabilization. The leads to the piers will be removed this winter to allow for movement when the lake freezes and thaws.

Special Projects

Lot 16

  • Sharon Anderson reported on behalf of Tom Richter who was unable to attend. This year work focused on the area closest to the lake. As well as general clean up, trees and invasive shrubs have been removed and native species have been planted in their place. Invasive plants such as garlic mustard and buckthorn have been removed. Upcoming work approved by the Board includes bringing in a crew to grade certain areas, place the ledge rock at the promontory point and prepare and lay woodchips on walking paths. The area will remain in a natural state.

Lake Book.

  • Janice Buslik reported that the Lake Book is at the printer and should be available for distribution soon. Jim Donndelinger, Sidney Czynski and Janice Buslik put a great deal of work into the creation of the book. Several members contributed photos for the book. One copy of the book will be distributed to each Association member.


  • Chris McCann reported that the website is finished and will be active online on November 1st. The site will be primarily stagnant with the exception of the current events link. The website address is: www.countrysidelake.org All Association members will use the same user ID and password to access the secure Association and Current Events links.


  • No Report.

Architectural Review

  • No Report.

Rules & Regulations

  • Larry Johnson reported that there are some proposed changes that will be reviewed by the Board. Any new rules will be published and distributed to members in the fall semi-annual meeting mailing.


  • A CLA Security “Scope of Work” document was provided to members for reference. Captain Gary Passafiume reported on security services and various security issues within the Association. Members were encouraged to join the Security Committee which will consist of residents from various Association neighborhoods.


  • Dan Liberacki reported that the Court has entered a consent decree requiring Toll Brothers to turn over $100,000 to Lake County which will then be passed on the CLA. Any further violations on the part of Toll will be reported to the State. We expect to receive the settlement check by the end of the year.

  • Lee Graber thanked the Board on behalf of the Association for the work done on the lawsuit and the Toll issue.


  • Dan Liberacki reported that signage for the Lagoon/Peninsula Project has been developed and is currently being manufactured. When the signs are complete they will be installed at various locations on the site.


  • Dan Liberacki reported that three Board positions will be up for election in March of 2009. He encouraged members to consider submitting their name for nomination to fill Board vacancies.


Lee Graber moved and Vince Masse seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:45 p.m. All in favor, motion carried.