Countryside Lake Association

Annual Meeting Minutes

March 19, 2007

BOARD ATTENDANCE: Chris Arendt, Janice Buslik, Sidney Czynski, Jim Esperson, Dan Liberacki, Chris McCann, Tom Richter. ABSENT: Terry Caldwell, Randy Miller.


· Lake County Board Commissioner Diana O’Kelly, informed the membership that the current driveway leading to the Dempsey Property will become the rear entrance to the Grand Dominion development. A traffic light will be installed at the intersection. An underground tunnel will be built to accommodate golf carts traveling from Grand Dominion to the Chevy Chase Golf Course. Ms. O’Kelly also discussed the Lake County Forest Preserve purchase of Four Winds Golf Course, the possibility of the 2016 Olympics being held in Chicago, with equestrian events at Lakewood Forest Preserve, and additional road projects within the County. She reminded new and old members that she is a voter registrar and would be happy to register any new voters.

· Capt. Passafiume introduced Lake County Sheriff Mark Curran and Countryside Fire Protection District Fire Chief Jeff Steingart.

· Sheriff Mark Curran discussed the activities of the Lake County Sheriff’s Office and services available to Lake County residents through his office.

· Chief Jeff Steingart informed the membership that construction of the new fire station, located at 801 S. Midlothian Rd., is on schedule and should be operational by July, 2007. A community room will be available for local organizations and community groups. Chief Steingart said it is important for homeowners to post house numbers visible from the street for emergency response purposes. He asked that carbon monoxide and smoke detectors older than 10 years be replaced. Members asked questions regarding water pressure problems at certain areas within the Association.

A quorum was met with 35 members present, 56 proxies to the Board and 5 proxies to others.

CLA President Dan Liberacki called the meeting to order at 8:27 p.m.

· New members Bradley and Gail Gosnell of 27344 Chevy Chase Rd. introduced themselves to the membership.

· D. Liberacki introduced CLA Board members, their respective duties and projects achieved by the Board during the past year.

· Retiring Board Member Randy Miller was acknowledged for close to 40 years of service to the Association as a volunteer and a Board Member from 1995 to 2007. Although Randy is retiring from the Board he will continue to live in the area and contribute to the Association.

· Retiring Board Member Jim Esperson was thanked for his contributions to the Board from 1991 – 2001 and again as an appointed Board Member in 2006.


Lee Graber moved and Fred Suendermann seconded the motion to approve the minutes of the October 16, 2006 Semi-Annual Meeting. All in favor, motion carried.


Sharon Anderson moved and Lee Graber seconded the motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report. All in favor, motion carried.


· President Dan Liberacki announced that nominations for three 3-year terms and one 2-year term were open to the floor. The terms of Dan Liberacki, Randy Miller and Tom Richter are expiring. Although Randy Miller is retiring from the Board, Dan Liberacki and Tom Richter plan to stand for election to additional terms. Jim Esperson, who was appointed to fill a vacant position on the Board in April, 2006, will not stand for election. An election will be held to fill the remaining two years of that term.

· In addition to Dan Liberacki and Tom Richter, the following members expressed interest in running for election to the Board:

Julie Wilkins, a 23 year resident of the Association said she has recently retired from her position as a biologist at Abbott Laboratories. She is interested in preserving the lake and our local environment. She would like to assist the Board by helping with activities related to the Beach and Picnic areas and on the Water Quality Committee. Julie is interested in running for a 3-year term.

Sean Parmley is a Steeple Chase resident who has assisted the Board with Association projects in the past. Sean is interested in helping the Board by overseeing the Facilities and Grounds Committee, a position that will be vacant due to the resignation of Jim Esperson. Sean is interested in running for a 3-year term.

Ken Erickson is a twenty-three year old resident who currently lives with his father, Lee Erickson on Lakeview Parkway. Ken is also running for a spot on the Fremont Library Board of Directors. Ken is interested in contributing to the community and would like to try and get younger people involved in Association activities. Ken is interested in running for a 3-year term.

· There were no formal nominations from the floor.

· The election was held and the ballots were tabulated by the Board Secretary and Treasurer. Since Dan Liberacki ran for the two-year term unopposed he was automatically elected to the Board. Members elected to fill the three 3-year terms were Tom Richter, Julie Wilkins and Sean Parmley. President Liberacki thanked Ken Erickson for his interest in serving and encouraged him to remain active in the community.


Beach & Picnic

· Chair Randy Miller was unable to attend, however Dan Liberacki reported that work is planned to spruce up the beach and picnic areas this summer. Many of the plans are tied into the Lagoon/Peninsula Project that will be discussed later in the meeting. The Lake County Public Works Department is planning a water main construction project at the beach facility this year. The Board has asked for that project to begin after Labor Day when CLA has completed the majority of work for the Lagoon/Peninsula Restoration Project. The water main project is funded by Lake County.

· Dan Liberacki asked that members sign-up to help with a variety of clean-up and maintenance projects that need to take place at the beach and Lot 16.

Facility & Grounds

· Chair Jim Esperson discussed a variety of Association projects currently underway and planned for the future including the Lagoon/Restoration Project, road repairs to the road near the CLA tennis courts and dam, and plans to restore and/or replace the existing CLA tennis courts. Jim explained that the courts are in declining shape and have not been restored in the past ten years. Jim asked for members who play tennis to volunteer for a committee to oversee restoration of the courts.

· Jim Border asked for the purpose of the shed located at the beach. It was explained that the shed is used for equipment storage and the storage of items utilized at the beach. Mr. Border also asked who is responsible for upkeep of the road located near the CLA dam after it is repaired. Jim explained that the road is private property owned by the Association and that the Association is responsible for maintenance of the road.

Lake Improvement Management

Weeds & Algae

· Chair Chris Arendt explained that pre-emergent plantings will be installed along the lagoon and peninsula shoreline as part of the Lagoon/Peninsula Restoration Project. Chris will consult with the weed management company to ensure that planned treatments will not damage new plantings.

Fish & Wildlife

· Chris Arendt reported that the lake was stocked with healthy fish this past fall, and that ice fishing this winter was great with 14 inches of thick ice. Additional funds are allocated in the budget for carp abatement, if necessary.


· Rosemary Aitken currently plans to hold the summer youth program. Additional information will appear in an upcoming newsletter.

Lagoon/Peninsula Project

· Chair Dan Liberacki reported that the project is 75% complete with the remainder of work to be done throughout the spring and summer of 2007. In addition to work already completed, shore plantings, new docks, a wooden walkway, and a fishing pier are to be installed. Fencing will be installed to protect the perimeter of the shoreline until new plantings are established. Approximately 50% of the project is funded through grant funds received from Lake County Stormwater Management, Fremont Highway Department and the Lake County Watershed Management Board.

Lot 16

· Dan Liberacki reported that Tom Richter has been appointed to oversee restoration work taking place at Lot 16. Work completed to date has occurred with private funds donated by Ted Oppenheimer and matching funds from a variety of CLA residents. The lot is heavily covered with invasive plants and trees including Buckthorn. Volunteers are needed to assist with further clean-up. A sign-up sheet was provided at the sign-in table. The lot has great potential for wildlife habitat after it is cleaned-up. The Board is investigating the availability of grant funds for the project but are somewhat limited by the presence of what appears to be a wetland area. Further evaluation of the site is necessary before a concept plan can be developed for full restoration. Bud Furch has put a great deal of volunteer hours into the project. This is a long-term project that will take multiple years to complete.

· Diana O’Kelly asked if there is an email list of Association members that could be used for volunteer purposes. Janice Buslik reported that a database has been compiled but is not currently used for Association purposes.


· Chair Chris McCann reported that a total of $79,500 has been applied for and approved for CLA projects including the Lagoon/Peninsula Project and the CLA Water Quality Program. Most of the funds should be allocated in 2007.

Water Sampling

· Chair Sidney Czynski reported that she has been busy completing paperwork for the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency #319 grant. Although we have received written documentation that CLA has been approved for this grant, she recently traveled to Springfield and was told that it is a long process before absolute final approval is received.

· Sidney reported that there have been 17 sampling events this year. She thanked Jim Donndelinger, Brian Donahoe, Rich Theobald and Mark Czynski for their assistance with the program.

· The sample sites will continue to be monitored throughout the dry and wet seasons to keep track of Toll Bros and their spray effluent system.

· The Lake County Health Department has been a great help with the monitoring program and responds quickly to requests for help.

· Janine Walsh asked if there should be concern about the water flowing from ponds on the Steeple Chase Golf Course. Dan Liberacki responded that sampling units are located at all inlets to the lake.

· Jim Border asked if CLA needs to be concerned about the Del Webb development. Dan Liberacki responded that the project has been investigated and that no water flows from that site into Countryside Lake.


· Sidney Czynski reported that eleven members from the waiting list were offered pontoon rental piers this year. Members offered piers for the first time this year have been on the waiting list since 2000. The installation of additional docks on the lake side of the peninsula has helped to move names up the list.

Shoreline Control

· Chair Sidney Czynski reminded members that plans for shoreline restoration must be presented to the CLA Board for approval prior to construction. The Board has a list of recommended shoreline restoration contractors available to members upon request.

Architectural Review – No Report.


· Chair Janice Buslik thanked Debbie Donahoe and Shawn Killackey for their help with the newsletter. The next newsletter is due to be published in late May. Gail Manz thanked Janice Buslik for the superb work she does with the newsletter.


· Chair Tom Richter reported that CLA contracts for security coverage eight hours a day plus an additional 2 hours per day during the summer. Evening hours are random and change according to need.

· Captain Passafiume reviewed the reason for day time coverage and explained security services available to the Association.

· Capt. Passafiume reported that there has been a lot of mailbox vandalism. Recently a group of seven to ten youths were seen running away from a mailbox that had been wrapped in Saran Wrap.

· It has been necessary to chase ice fishing poachers off the lake during the winter.

· Capt. Passafiume encouraged members to properly display their Association vehicle stickers and to have their guests prominently display guest passes.

· He asked that members holding parties at their homes have their guests’ park on one side of road for safety reasons.

· Janine Walsh said that an area of concern for security is the end of Thornberry. There is a continual problem with individuals parking near the water tower. Capt. Passafiume asked to be called if vehicles are seen parking in that area.

Archival Storage – No Report.


· Chair Dan Liberacki summarized the status of the Illinois Attorney General’s case against Toll Bros. The IAGO filed a formal complaint in November of 2006. Toll responded with a settlement offer that was flatly rejected by IAGO. President Liberacki believes that CLA will receive some type of funding from the case, most likely in the form of grants for our lake and environmental projects.

Rules & Regulations

· Chair Janice Buslik reported that the Rules and Regulations were recently updated and mailed to members in October.

· Jim Border asked if the Rules and Regulations are available electronically. Janice said that electronic copies are available upon request.


Lake Book

· Sidney Czynski reported that work continues on the Lake Book. The Committee hopes to have it available by July for distribution to the membership.




Lee Graber moved and Ken Erickson seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:52 p.m. All in favor, motion carried.

Countryside Lake Association

Mundelein, Illinois 60060

Semi-Annual Meeting Minutes

October 15, 2007


Prior to the meeting, Lake Country Board Representative, Diana O’Kelly, spoke to the membership about the Chevy Chase Road extension into the Del Webb development, the Forest Preserve’s acquisition of Four Winds Golf Course, and the potential installation of a traffic light at the intersection of Fremont Center and Gilmer Roads. She also said residents should contact her if they are interested in receiving her email newsletter and information alerts.

Lee Graber thanked Mrs. O’Kelly for all of the funding she has brought into the community.


CLA President Dan Liberacki called the meeting to order at 7:50 P.M.


Present: C. Arendt, J. Buslik, S. Czynski, D. Liberacki, C. McCann, S. Parmley, T. Richter,

Absent: T. Caldwell, J. Wilkins


A total of 29 members were present. There were 55 proxies to the Board and 5 proxies to others. New CLA member, Rick Huston, introduced himself to the membership.


Lee Graber moved and Rich Theobald seconded the motion to approve the minutes of the 2007 Annual Meeting. All in favor, motion carried.


Janice Buslik reviewed the 2007 budget and asked if there were any questions from the membership. There were none.

Lee Graber moved and Kim Pedersen seconded the motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report. All in favor, motion carried.


Beach & Picnic

  • D. Liberacki reported that use of the beach facilities has continued to grow. Additional clean-up has been necessary as a result of more private parties being held at the beach and picnic areas. A member complained that there is a problem with geese poop on the beach. It was explained that during the summer season lifeguards are responsible for raking the beach and removing debris from the area. During the winter months geese debris continues to be problem both on and off the lake. Members are discouraged from feeding geese.

Facility & Grounds

  • S. Parmley explained that the tennis courts have recently been rebuilt. The fish gate, and lightening prediction unit have been repaired and grading work has been completed at the private road near the CLA dam. Sean thanked Jeff Butler and Sharon Anderson for their assistance on the tennis court project. The CLA dam is currently being repaired and an inspection will be scheduled in the near future. Sean explained that during a recent inspection small cracks, which needed to be filled, were found on the surface of the dam.

  • The Fremont Township Highway Department has begun underground drainage work near Chevy Chase Rd. to assist with surface draining and diminish local flooding in the Countryside Lake area.

  • The Lake County Public Works Department is putting in a new water main from Lakeview Parkway at Maple to the fire hydrant located at the beach. Work is expected to begin soon and should take a few weeks to complete. The line will be connected to the County well water system.

Lagoon/Peninsula Project

  • D. Liberacki reported that L/P Restoration Project is nearing completion. Thirteen new pontoon docks, and a wooden walkway connecting the lagoon area to the peninsula, have recently been installed. A fishing/observation dock will be installed in the lagoon. The perennial plantings are coming along well but will continue to be fenced off through next year. Planning for educational/informational signage is underway. Ongoing maintenance will be necessary to ensure healthy development of new plantings at the site. The project has come in slightly under budget and has succeeded with the help of many volunteers.

Lot 16

  • T. Richter reported that approximately 20 volunteers showed up to help with spring cleaning at the site. A brush burning is planned for this winter. Work is continuing on the project with the goal of developing a concept plan for site development.

Lake Improvement Management

Weed & Algae

  • C. Arendt reported that the quality of the 2007 weed treatment program was great. He noted that the weeds were been quite manageable, and coverage was left to ensure a healthy fish habitat. The quote for services over the next three years is about 15% higher due to an increase in the cost of chemicals; however we are able to lock in pricing if we agree to a 3-year contract.

Fish & Wildlife

  • C. Arendt reported that 30 to 40 members responded to the recent fishing survey was high. Varieties of comments were submitted and will be taken under consideration. Standard fish stocking was recently completed. Large Musky was not stocked because they can be detrimental to the reproduction of other desirable species.

  • D. Liberacki reported that after this year’s heavy spring rains approximately15 large Carp went over the dam and were removed downstream.

  • John Eifert will be the contact for ice fishing flags this winter.

  • Discussion was held regarding the possibility of installing fish cribs in the lake. The cribs are artificial structures such as pallets or Christmas trees that are dropped into the lake to provide habitat coverage. C. Arendt said the Board has not discussed this, but that it could be pursued on a volunteer basis.


· S. Czynski reported that a total of 53 new saplings, both shrubs and trees, have been planted throughout the lagoon and peninsula area as well as on Lot 16. Most were planted by CLA volunteers. Sidney thanked Jim Donndelinger and Julie Wilkins for watering the trees during dry periods. Volunteers are needed for the Environmental Committee.

Shoreline Control

· S. Czynski reminded the membership that plans for shoreline work must be submitted to the Board for review and approval prior to work commencing.


· No Report.

Water Quality

· S. Czynski reported on behalf of Julie Wilkins and herself. The 2007 program has sampled thirteen events to date. The Committee is continuing sample work to submit as part of the IEPA grant. Overall program sampling shows that phosphorous and total suspended solids are still coming into the lake. Sidney noted that water flow coming into the lake from Indian Creek has been very low. There are still concerns about flow variations due to the Toll Bros. development and the situation continues to be monitored. Drew Hupp asked if the Hawthorn Woods Country Club spray irrigation system is up and running. Sidney said she was not sure, but that more will be known when Toll Brothers submits their quarterly report to IEPA. The system is due to be operational early next year. Lee Graber asked what is done with the sampling data. Sidney explained that reports are compiled and submitted to IEPA, Lake County and the Attorney General’s Office. Internally Countryside Lake uses the data to monitor trends and determine the quality of water entering the lake.


· S. Czynski reported that 52 members are on the waiting list for a pontoon pier rental. Members are reminded to remove their boats from the lake by November 1st.


· T. Richter reported that quotes will be sought to repair docks at the tennis courts that are leaning into the water. The Board is currently investigating alternative boat racks to replace current racks that are deteriorating.

Architectural Review

· No Report.


· J. Buslik thanked Shawn Killackey and Debbie Donahoe for their help with the newsletter. Janice reported that the cost of printing the newsletter is currently covered by ad fees.


· T. Richter reviewed current security coverage hours and explained that coverage occurs primarily during the daytime because that is when residential burglaries occur. Tom also said that CLA security spends a great deal of time deterring poachers and trespassers on the lake.

· Captain Passafiume reviewed current security procedures including vehicle stickers, guest parking and CLA guest passes.

· Lee Graber asked for the number of burglaries reported in CLA this year. Capt. Passafiume said that we have been very fortunate and that there have been no burglaries reported in CLA this year.

· Chris Brogdon expressed concern about security services. He believes there is a reputation in surrounding areas that Countryside Lake is not a member’s only area. He believes we need to avoid this perception and be more proactive with trespassers and poachers. Mr. Brogdon believes we should do whatever we can to protect the beach/lake asset. In his opinion security patrols should be increased to stop the assumption that this is a place where anyone can come. Mr. Brogdon also stated that garbage cans are overflowing during peak usage.

· Ken Alberts said that security should be a priority and that perhaps alternative security measures should be explored.

· D. Liberacki reported that the Board is continually monitoring security problems including poaching and trespassing. Dan agreed that present technology does present additional opportunities and could be explored.

· Gail Manz said that gates were previously installed at the beach area in the 1980’s but they presented maintenance challenges and were removed.

· C. McCann stated that technology has improved and that security gates at the common areas should be reconsidered.

· Jim Butler asked why there isn’t more Sheriff’s presence in the community. He said that he is concerned the Sheriff’s office may ignore our area since they assume our private security coverage is sufficient. Jim said that we pay enormous property taxes and should get more coverage.

· Captain Passafiume explained that the County Sheriff’s Office has two cars that patrol 120 square miles including the Countryside Lake area.

· CLA member, Sharon Anderson, suggested a community watch program could be coordinated with Captain Passafiume and be implemented with specific procedures.

· Chris Brogdon said that he sees non-member boats and fishermen on the lake all the time.

· T. Richter stated that he believes most of the problems are caused by members and not outsiders.

· Drew Hupp agreed that a self-policing or community watch program should be coordinated with Captain Passafiume. Past CLA President, Gail Manz, stated that this was tried in the past and that it turned into a vigilante group.

· Chris Brogdon suggested more aggressive signage be put at the common areas and more security information be put in the newsletter.

· Discussion continued with a variety of suggestions to improve security in the community. Captain Passafiume reminded members that he has no authority to issue speeding tickets on municipal or township streets. He stated that he routinely writes speeding violation notices, but has no authority to levy or enforce fines for such violations. Captain Passafiume believes that if we had 4 or 5 additional hours of security coverage many of these problems would diminish.

· D. Liberacki reminded all members that Section 22 of CLA Rules and Regulations outlines enforcement procedures that all members should become familiar with.

· T. Richter stated that his Committee will follow-up with an awareness campaign and explore ideas for improved security.

Rules & Regulations

  • J. Buslik reminded members to read information that was recently mailed to members regarding revisions to the CLA Rules and Regulations. Recent changes have been approved by the Board including, extending the allowable length of shoreline docks from 24 feet to 30 feet, charging fees for beach/picnic parties from Memorial Day to Labor Day, defining the location for guest parking at the beach and eliminating satellite dish restrictions that contradict FCC regulations. Specific guidelines are established in the Rules and Regulations document that is mailed to all members in October.


  • D. Liberacki reviewed the status of the Illinois Attorney General case against Toll Bros. During the past six months there have been offers and counter-offers, but each time Toll steps away from the table. Dan expressed that he still believes CLA will be compensated in the form of Supplemental Environmental Program (SEP) grants from the State of Illinois.

  • Jim Butler asked how much CLA has spent to date, and if Toll could be held responsible for CLA legal fees. Jim also suggested that press coverage of damage caused to our lake could motivate Toll to settle quicker. Dan said that Toll will not be responsible for CLA legal fees, but that we should be able to recoup some fees through SEPS. The Board has discussed a public relations campaign that would include coverage by the local press, but determined it could lead to damaged property values and a negative perception of Countryside Lake.


  • S. Czynski reported that the group is working with a new editor and seeking a publisher for the book. Ted Oppenheimer, who has provided funding for the book, has authorized additional funds to reformat the documents. All work is being done by volunteers and completion of the book is subject to varying schedules and availability.


  • CLA member, Harriett Donndelinger, asked about the procedure for vacating a road easement on her daughter’s property. D. Liberacki stated that the Association cannot enforce or vacate public road easements on private property.


  • Lee Graber moved and Rich Theobald seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:35 p.m. All in favor, motion carried.